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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Yeah! What do all those epidemiologists know anyway.
  2. Terrierman


    Everything is good when the Dogwoods are blooming. For which I am eternally grateful.
  3. Crap and right after I said something about never talking about spots. White River can be the exception though, right? I mean who doesn't know how to find the White River?
  4. I got a little ink, but none of you will ever see it.
  5. Whoa, nice! You're not one to give up are you?
  6. Good call on white and pink and white. Ham will disagree with me on these two as he's apparently had some come apart on him, but I have yet to see any problems with either of them. Maybe they're putting a little something on the wraps now? Anyway, I really really like olive/ginger with gold head and also white/gray with chrome head. The white/gray is wrapped with red thread. It just has to look like bait. Has to. Anyway, I will always have those colors in my box, and usually on a rod, unless something else is just killing them and what I have on isn't.
  7. I just plain old don't talk about locations on the internet, at all. But since I'm not a very good fisherman and don't know any good places to catch fish, nobody loses.
  8. I'm a little slow on the uptake and just now figured out they're posted on FB. It's really cool Phil, keep it going, please and thank you.
  9. Haven't had that happen yet.
  10. That OSU QB would make a great KC Chief.
  11. Well, stop and think about what a baitfish might look like and add in a red wrap and it kind of makes sense. They sure worked for us. Really all we fished with for two days was either gray and white or olive ginger with gold head.
  12. Have you tried the white/gray with chrome head zig jig? If not you should buy some.
  13. Crystal Bridges is always a good time. The lunch there was really good when we went.
  14. 75 fish? No way. Buffalo Shoal is becoming one of my favorite spots, browns seem to kind of hang out there. I caught two 19" (measured) on successive drifts out of basically the same spot last time we were down. What are you doing Saturday?
  15. Terrierman

    Dez's Catch

  16. Ozark Mountain Trading Company is where I bought my Mad River Legend and also a Wenonah Prospector for my grandson. They have as good a selection as anyone. They have a store just outside Ozark MO. They do take trade ins so finding something used is at least a possibility. They've always treated me fair and to me that's as good a recommendation as you will get from anyone.
  17. I've got that exact same boat and really like it. One sometimes missed advantage canoe has over a lot of SOT kayaks is dry butt. Early and late season that's a pretty significant advantage if you ask me. Though I think the way a Coosa is set up you do stay pretty well dry. I've convinced myself that the Legend actually drafts less water than my Pescador too. Which makes sense, it's a bigger and lighter hull. I've got a Pescador and like it too - for day trips in warm weather. In that boat the instant I sit down my butt is wet and stays wet all day. You are 100% correct on the pricing, Academy still has them for that kind of money. You can of course get around being one of the soggy bottom boys by wearing a set of waders. I've just never gotten around to actually doing that, just wear hippers and use the canoe early and late in the year.
  18. If I was going to get an aluminum lake boat, 10 times out of 10 it would be a deep Vee 18' with a big trolling motor and maybe a 60 big motor. I had a big deep wide 18'6" semi vee and it was a punisher any time the wind was up or there were many boats out.
  19. I just think it would be awesome if Congress Critters would go the sponsorship jersey route and start using wraps on their escalades. And I mean AWESOME.
  20. One of my fishing buddies has a son who went to HS with DGB and they were kind of marginal friends. Suffice to say that even in HS DGB knew the rules do not apply to a giraffe who can catch footballs. Mizzou helped to reinforce that to a degree and the NFL is really going to help that process along. I predict he will last maybe five years in the league at the most, unless somehow someway a miracle happens and his head straightens out. This cat likes to get high. Likes it way too much.
  21. Is this still on? If so, count me in and Bob will want to come too. Should there be another thread?
  22. Tyler caught a 14 1/2" rainbow on 12/30. No trophy but no stocker either. Most of our fish that trip were 12" range.
  23. The younger one of the two fished all year with a rod with the tip broken off, wouldn't even go to the trouble of putting a new guide on it. And caught plenty of fish that way too. I just couldn't handle it any longer. Those two really loaded the boat when we were down 12/29 and 12/30. Next time see if there is anyway you can photo shop out that guy in the front of the boat.
  24. I fish a 6'6" light fast Shimano Clarus with a Lew's Speed Spin 100 on it. 4 lb maxima or 8 lb nano with maxima for leader. That's what passes for ultralight now for me. A very versatile and capable rod and reel combo for under $200, line included. Just bought two new 6'6" light fastTemple Fork Outfitter rods and the same reels for grandsons at Christmas. Fished with one a while down at Rim Shoals, that rod is every bit as good as the Clarus, actually maybe a bit more sensitive. They're not super expensive either.
  25. I've really come around on the nanofil. Have to admit it took a while. 8 lb nano with 4 lb p-line or 4 lb maxima for leader. Still use a LOT of 4 lb maxima on just about everything else. But I fish flowing water almost exclusively. Trust me on this, the ned will outfish nearly anything else nearly all the time, especially if you want numbers.
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