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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I like to stop early and stay late. I've killed enough fish to last most people a lifetime, now for me it's the quality river experience. Most often alone, especially lately since my best human and dog friends died. But with buddies is fine too. I just love my time out there. And I do mean love.
  2. Were you the guy with the go pro and mike with some white fur on it?
  3. It's effective if that's your only criteria. Hardly fits the description of sporting or fair chase though. It's the fishing equivalent of shooting turkeys or deer over bait if you ask me. The only difference is shuffling is not illegal.
  4. Above. I'm the person furthest to the right in that photo, behind the line of people actually fishing. I try to get out of everybody's way to string fish.
  5. More or less. 5th pic down from the top.
  6. Hey, I'm in one of your pictures! Grandson and I had a good time. The crowd was not nearly as bad as I expected. The weather was a LOT better than I expected. Breakfast was good. The fires in the barrels were very welcome. It had been a long time since I'd been to Bennett Spring, It was like visiting an old friend.
  7. It's a far less troublesome oxygenate than MTBE. You can have as big a woody as you want about corn but there's just no disputing the fact that adding 10% ethanol to gasoline results in lower tailpipe emissions of several pollutants.
  8. The 10% ethanol requirement is more about air pollution reduction than subsidizing corn growers.
  9. I'm naming the next winter storm Ralph. 'Cause that's what it will make me want to do.
  10. I mainly want the jet to avoid the need for shuttles on other rivers here in Missouri. The tohatsu 40/25 will get a hard look. So will other used 2 strokes. 4 stroke motors are too heavy.
  11. The only downside to a 20 is you can't legally run it on the Buffalo. I've got a Shawnee that's basically the same boat as yours. It's got a 10 HP Yamaha that's been rejetted to 15 HP. It does fine. That said, a 50/30 jet is in my future. Money is made to spend is the way I look at that purchase. Won't be getting rid of the Yamaha though.
  12. Nice job sir. Very nice job.
  13. What's your thinking about Waylon Jennings or Alison Kraus or something like that while the fire gets lower and you sip your whisky?
  14. You really lead quite the life Phil. Nice video.
  15. Roll up table is what I use. They are great.
  16. Equipment adds: A table. Civilized man deserves a table to cook and eat on. A lantern. The better to see with. A tarp for over the table to keep the dew off and if it rains at all, you will feel like one of the most fortunate people on the planet. A comfortable chair. A stove to make your coffee with in the morning and to cook on too. Sure fire will work, but a stove is just so convenient. A grate to cook on over the fire. For meat and such. A dutch oven. Civilized men like biscuits and gravy on the riverbank. And sometimes ribs and beans. You just never know. A folding shovel. For sanitation and also for dutch oven cooking. Music, for when the sun is down, the fire is on and the whiskey is out. Not for blaring all day but for adding that magic touch that some of the good stuff adds. I carry an Ipod in a little speaker case.
  17. When fishing tournaments go to netting fish in a rubber net, photoing them in the net, and weighing them in the net and then releasing fish from the net, then I might have an ounce of respect for C&R tournaments and tournament anglers.
  18. My grandson who is a senior in High School has decided this is the year he needs to experience opening day at Bennett. I hope my fingers don't fall off. We'll be there come hell, high water or a little bit of ice in the guides. Low of 22, high of 34. Sounds lovely.
  19. Here's my take on the whole deal. If somebody gets an idea on how to run a legal business and make some money at it, write me down as 100% in favor. I run a couple of for profit businesses, that's the way I intended it and that's the way it is and I don't care if it harelips the pope. You'll soon find out if you're any good at taking care of customers if you want to actually stay in business AND make money while you're at it. Bassin' Bob, more power to you Sir. And good luck with the fishing too. BTW, it sounds to me like your actual customers are pretty happy. So seriously, good luck.
  20. Come on you guys, "Hillbilly Blood" is real. The reality of reality shows is they are cheap to make and enough people watch them to make them profitable. When that stops, something else will come along. But not until.
  21. Where's the other 192?
  22. I saw that on another website. Pretty amazing what man can do to screw things up without even really trying. We have this really big blind spot when it comes to that law of unintended consequences.
  23. I like to have a place to hang a tarp and set a table up under it. I like to have a place to hang my little Coleman lantern. Firewood is a plus. Most of the streams I float, that's not normally a problem. Fall camping watch for a place with a lot of leaves. Pitching your tent on a pile of leaves is right next to heaven. Pick a place that has a whipporwill to sing to you in the morning. Pick a place that has bats to entertain you as the sun goes down. And then life is complete.
  24. That's a nice filleting size fish right there.
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