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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. I like to go early in the mornings as much for the sunrise and wildlife viewing as the fishing. I'm one of those easily entertained/distracted/A.D.D. types anyway. Hey Look! There goes a squirrel!
  2. Probably thirty five or so years ago I had a walker hound that was out of Finley River Queen. The Finley River line was well known. So to me it has always been and always will be Finley River.
  3. That's Greenbridge and it's a popular spot to put in for a short float down to the park in Ozark. Or to Riverside Bridge, which is where I normally take out anyway. That river is really woody now, the last time I went from Linden to Greenbridge, I think the river was blocked in five different places. I'm leaving the wood in to discourage the faint of heart. It's the closest water to me and I like to fish it. And like Mr. Breth said, there are fish in it.
  4. I've never had trouble leaving my vehicle at Linden, but I do leave it as close to 125 as possible. That place does get a little tangy in the summertime.
  5. Wow that fish in the second pic is a real beast. Good job man.
  6. If I read correctly and the internet is correct, the Pescador 12 is the same boat as the Tarpon 12 (older model). I agree with your assessment. I was on Beaver Sunday morning and had no trouble paddling a couple of miles upstream (dragging through riffles of course).
  7. 1. 2" crawdad looking tube jig for cold weather. 2. Bigger grub/tube on a jig for warmer weather. 3. Spinnerbait - normally chart/orange skirt single large for weight of the bait single brass colorado blade. 4. Crawdad crankbait. 5. Tiny Torpedo or something similar.
  8. My mistake, the used boat I bought was a Heritage Angler 10'. Seat was so uncomfortable (HORRID!) I didn't even try to fish from it. I think it will be be an OK boat with a better seat that has some back support.
  9. Nice trip. Thanks for posting.
  10. I guess the latest information in this thread makes me a hillbilly. I've been called a lot worse than any of the so called epithets here. USMC D.I.'s know how to lay it on you.
  11. I bought a used 10' ascend for my wife and grandkids to use. I fish out of a Pescador 12 or a Mad River Legend 15. Happy with both of those boats. The Ascend looks like it will fish OK, though there is no way it will paddle like either of my other boats. We're going to the river tomorrow, so I'll give you my thoughts on how it works then.
  12. I'm going out Sunday morning at the crack of dawn but rest assured there will be no pictures for anyone to guess where we will be. My secret spots nobody but me and the NSA cell phone GPS trackers know about.
  13. You had me wondering too when I first found this forum. We exchanged a few posts about why not to keep smallmouth if you recall.
  14. This is a good thread, sincere thanks to those pushing for the consequences that should follow this shameful act and shameful example of humanity.
  15. We are in 100% agreement on standing in Canoes and Kayaks to fish. I see no need.
  16. It's great to see how someone appreciates these wonderful Ozarks and the lives that make it breathe.
  17. This is really a perfect example of poor communications and failure to build consensus from the bottom up. I believe the Blueway designation was a good thing, though largely symbolic. What it also shows is how deeply Americans distrust their government, which is a very sad state of affairs.
  18. Similar in Springfield, largely thanks to the James River Basin Partnership. Proud to be a member of that outfit.
  19. Agree about it not being a great tandem boat. It's OK with my wife up front though, she's not a big person at all. If you click on the top link in my post, there's a pretty good write up on the boat and some design considerations. Mad River actually designed the boat to be used as a solo or tandem with the symmetrical hull and seat placement.
  20. Linden to Green Bridge
  21. Mad River Legend 15 might fit your bill. I like mine a lot. http://www.madrivercanoe.com/content/madrivercanoe.com/assets/page/legend_15_rx/Legend_15.pdf http://www.madrivercanoe.com/product/index/products/river/legend_series/legend_15_rx/
  22. I'm betting mine was every bit as good plus she had stamina.
  23. A line of broken beer bottles glued to the top of the gate would be more appropriate. P.S. I've been through that gate. They were actually pretty nice to me, I got there not knowing the deal. Paid my two bucks or five bucks or whatever it was and no problem. But it was during working hours and I wasn't drunk or obnoxious.
  24. Best of luck Phil.
  25. Took a little float Saturday. The river is getting low, some rain would be nice. Scenery at Linden was excellent. Once I got away from them, the fishing was actually pretty good. Caught a half dozen or so smallies, the biggest was probably 15". The goggle eye were really biting good, they were hanging around in wood as they usually do and they were also on chunk rock anyplace deeper than maybe three or four feet. Caught one of if not the biggest goggle eye I've ever caught, had to be ten or eleven inches long and at least three inches thick across the heavy part of the back. I had a spinnerbait (single hammered chrome colorado blade, orange/chart skirt) on one rod. The other rod had a 1/8 oz chart jighead with an electric blue metalflake twin tail grub. Both got bit but the jig with the grub seemed to produce better. The recent flooding hasn't been kind to that stretch of the river, there are several new trees down blocking the river, I had to get out and drag at least five times. Also one of my favorite holes (right above Green Bridge) got a LOT of gravel washed into it.
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