It is very treacherous out there. I managed to get dogs out to the shop without falling and put wading boots with my corkers on to get back in the house. A person can walk more or less ok on grass, but the gravel drive is very very slippery and sidewalks are nothing but wet ice. Even the dogs can hardly get around right now. One came running up to the house to go in and slid all the way across the sidewalk, He looked embarassed.
Good idea. Who and when. I'm coming down Saturday AM for lunch and PM fishing, hopefully something for dinner. Then breakfast Sunday and AM fishing. Have seats.
I had another inspiration. I'll also bring what's needed for real biscuits and gravy for Sunday morning. See you there guys!
Marty, nobody likes hot buttered biscuits with honey. Just sayin'.
I have and will bring 13 venison bratwurst. Somebody already ate two. How many people for lunch anyway?
And I just found four venison polish with cheddar cheese. Buns, good mustard and kraut are coming along too. And extra charcoal just in case.
I'd say with Les bringing hotdogs and the venison dogs we're probably good for lunch considering how much food everyone brings to these affairs.
Put me down for one of those 3 beds for Saturday night please and thank you. I'll also want to rent a slip for that day/night. Will call the office tomorrow for that.
The weather forecast for January 26, 27 and 28 is favorable. Upper forties and maybe a few sprinkles on Friday and Sunday. Saturday sunny and 49 degrees. Not bad, not bad at all.