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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. The speckled sussex hen is in the family way. Sitting on five eggs for the last few days with only a few minutes break to get a drink and something to eat. Assuming she succeeds in hatching any is there anything special needed? Chickens have been making chicks on their own for quite a while now so wondering if any assistance will be needed. Thanks for any advice from our chicken experts. Google says just wait if she's eating and drinking which she is. And she will take care of them after they hatch, I just need to keep chick starter and water where chicks can get to it. Sounds almost too easy. Is it? How do they get in and out of the chicken house and the nest box, which is well above the wire mesh floor of the house?
  2. If you were able to get private messages you could have had a ride to Bennett yesterday to watch the festivities and somebody to have breakfast with. I tried to message both of your persona's on here but nope. Maybe another time.
  3. It's pretty easy to get jaded about catching hatchery trout. And maybe moreso in the parks. But just watching people enjoy it is "refreshing ". Especially seeing the dad herding six kids fishing off the whistle bridge. But he had a system with a bucket for each kid and it was working. Suffice to say it is a good morning. 👍
  4. It's still dark. The place is overrun with people getting ready to fish. There are nearly as many cops as fishermen. Cameras aren't exactly scarce either. The dining lodge opens at 7.
  5. He asked about bait areas in the park. But I see your point about it pretty well rules out sucker fishing there at Baptist Camp.
  6. yes
  7. Go to the Baptist Camp access is my suggestion.
  8. I frequented Bennett back when Heck was a pup. I always bought black and yellow jigs at Weaver's. And kept my reels spooled with fresh 3 lb Dai Riki. Ate trout for breakfast up in the campground. Good memories.
  9. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I dearly love a good muffaletta. With extra olive salad of course.👍 That one looks great.
  10. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    We've got eggs running out our ears so I decided to do something about it. Bacon, cheese and onion quiche sounded good so I made one. That's a pre-made Pillsbury crust that I naked baked to start with. It's a five egg quiche with three slices of crispy fried bacon, carmelized onions, and the cheese medley that's in the picture. Didn't have any half and half so used about 1/3 cup of sour cream and same amount of milk. Those free range eggs sure are colorful and they do taste better than the store kind if you ask me. Baked at 400 for about 18 minutes, foil guard around the upper crust halfway through. It turned out pretty good.😎
  11. They will never look up through ice thicker than a window pane is how I learned it back when I was still learning about spring.
  12. There's a lot of dead and stinking skunks littering the roads. Another sure sign of spring.
  13. I learned a long time ago I don't want to do business with anyone who's not making a fair profit. Neither side of a transaction that's not fair is likely to ever go away happy.
  14. Dogs are in the end dogs. It's more my fault than hers for being a dog, you're right.
  15. Chicken killers live a life of jeopardy, often shortened by their chicken killing actions. I admit to sending more than one chicken killer to meet their maker so they can apologize and try to live a better life the next time around the cycle. I love my dogs. But they need to behave. Killing chicks or chickens is not behaving.
  16. We'll give it another try when the local farm stores have chick days. And be more careful then. That pro guide extreme 100 MPH ultra brood pen is not very dog resistant.
  17. It's a bummer for sure - I feel guilty for not being more careful about the dog. But as my English friend says, "If you've got livestock, sooner or later you're gonna have dead stock." Wish it hadn't happened but it did.
  18. And just like that, all 7 are dead. Apparently our dachshund/min pin mix followed me in the bedroom, hid out and killed them all in less than five minutes. She's demoted from house dog while the jury considers her ultimate fate. I'm not much of a fan of chicken killing dogs.
  19. You guys stacked them up like cordwood! Great trip and lots of great eating fish, not to mention the memories. Nice job sir!
  20. And now just what you've all been waiting for, a picture of the chicks' new pro guide extreme 100 MPH ultra brood pen.
  21. You guys are making me glad for what my dentist described as textbook teeth. A few fillings, two crowns and one wisdom tooth removal. Lucky me.
  22. That's where these came from. Hope he was good with the ones we have👍.
  23. I've got major hearing loss too. Bought some expensive in the ear hearing aids. They're tuneable via an app on my phone. They help but it's a long way from turning back the clock to hear like I used to.
  24. How on Earth sex on baby chicks can be determined is a pure mystery to me. Apparently it's a mystery to TSC and others too.
  25. The chicks have grown feathers on their wings and they can fly. Rapidly outgrowing the box. We have a collapsible mesh brooder with a zip out bottom on the way. It is needed! Still 100% survival and think they will all make it to full chickenhood status. The question that remains is how many will be hens.....
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