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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Take a poll. That's way too hard of a decision for me to take on alone. The smoked trout dip is non-negotiable though.
  2. I saw that pot of smoked chili you made. It's now on you buddy. We're in for beans and cornbread and Lovey is doing some fancy dancy cinnamon rolls for a breakfast.
  3. Maybe 1/2" or so of snow. No Ice. Lucky us.
  4. I know. In those days, Kansas only sold 3.2% beer, in a bar or in a store. Liquor was strictly in state run liquor stores or private clubs for a cocktail. Iowa used to be the same about liquor and wine.
  5. We're going to end up with a trace. It's still 32 and the lightest flurries. My kind of winter storm, get to watch others deal with it.
  6. Should have gone to the Railroad Club in Fort Scott KS. If you had a dollar, you could have a beer. At 14.
  7. There used to be a Bass Pro in the Liquor Store in Reeds Spring. What a place. I don't remember it being a Brown Derby but odds are it was.
  8. Dodged it all except the rain and some sleet in with it. And the forecast for here just keeps getting better. You guys in the rough areas be safe.
  9. 33 rain - heavy at times - mixed with sleet. Let's go fishing Pete, before it starts to snow.
  10. So I guess you must have known him. Lighten up Francis.
  11. I bought two TFO 9' 7 wt rods for grandsons. Rio WF line. They're fairly good with them. th
  12. That would be deluxe today.
  13. I've done a few in the Shawnee. Grandsons before they owned canoes and kayaks. That Shawnee is about as close to the old jons they used as it needs to be.
  14. According to the facebook machine, you've had a good day. 😎 Fill us in please.
  15. The history of the James River is quite remarkable in the history of Ozarks floating. We're blessed to be able to use it as often and as easily as we can today. We're also blessed the clean water regulations we have in place now have brought that river back to the great resource it is and should always be.
  16. Whew, I was a little worried. I especially like 2). It's been way too long my friend, too long.
  17. By about 30 years. That motor was on a 20'x52" jon that ruled the Osage and Missouri for a while. Edit: Best story from that boat. Took a couple of nephews night fishing and we had to go buy snacks first. Sardines in mustard sauce and chocolate milk.
  18. I used to pull start a 35 HP mercury. Not an issue, though I was a little younger.
  19. Progress!!!! Just a thought - muffs and a hose are easier than a trash can full of water if you have a place to swing that. And if it was mine, I'd be suspicious of a weak starter. Good luck, we all admire your perseverance on this massive project.👍
  20. 2 pound test line class world record carp. Unfortunately, not weighed or certified but it had to be 15 pounds. Downlake near Powersite.
  21. I'm thinking weather is highly secondary to fellowship, food and fun. Last year's deal was the most fun I've ever had on Taney. BUT it was good Phil had some real fire to get the charcoal going. Man, it was damp everywhere.
  22. Coconut oil fueled diesel vehicles in the Philippines (and I'm sure other places) during WWII. Seems poised to make a comeback as well. Whale oil lamps are probably not going to make a comeback.
  23. Never forget how the noise from wind turbines causes cancer and you can't watch TV if the wind isn't blowing. And regarding solar power, how do you fly an electric plane at night? Good questions, right?
  24. Not really. Fiberglass Market Size, Share | Growth Analysis Report [2032] Carbon Fiber Market Size, Share & Trends | Forecast [2032] PSA: Be careful reading these ^^, there are actual facts and data included. To summarize again: For fiberglass the leading consuming industry is transportation followed closely by construction. For carbon fiber composites, the leading consuming industry is Aviation, Aerospace and Defense. Wind does get a mention for both products, but it isn't near the top for either.
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