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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Want to talk about animal feed that people eat for breakfast? How about those range cubes they sell as shredded wheat?
  2. The only way oatmeal is good is as a binder in meatloaf. Then I don't even notice it.
  3. What are you like on Tuesday? Yeah, it's a good one. Most of theirs are.
  4. Terrierman


    One per table.🎯
  5. Surprise! You're the new Sheriff!!
  6. Terrierman


    Warsaw has the original Bass Pro store and the old Brown Derby's? Dang I need to get out more. All I remember about Warsaw is Cow Patty's.
  7. Terrierman


    There are a ton of flea market/antique shops in town. The old mill that Bass Pro redid into a restaurant is cool and the grounds are nice to walk. The Finley bridge that was relocated to there gets you over the river to another nice walking area where they built the Chapel. Riverside Park is pretty and you can bank fish there but don't expect to catch dinner. There's a nice riverside paved walking trail between the bridge over the Finley and the OC (City owned rec center). Some bank fishing on the trail too. Plenty of places to eat from local old style cafe food to some pretty fancy places. It's close enough to Springfield to do anything you like there. We're fond of the Art Museum and it's free. And of course the big home Bass Pro, their aquarium and museums in the store.
  8. I bought a set of golf clubs as a retirement present to myself. Played maybe five times in my life before I retired. Took five or six lessons and then started playing. At first I played once or twice a week. Always walked. Could shoot in the high 80's on a good day, so clearly I'm no good. Only went out twice last year during the height of covid. I'll work on getting out more this year. I'm definitely a fair weather golfer, don't like it cold or hot so that slows me down some too. It's a fun game that is a lot harder than it looks, and when one walks it's decent exercise too.
  9. It isn't.
  10. I bought a quart of real maple syrup at the Springfield farmer's market last month. A guy from El Dorado Springs makes it. Unless Vermont Maple Syrup is a LOT better, I'll take Aunt Jemima.
  11. Being a moderator is not easy when people - especially friends - take it personally. Doesn't really help that I have a much less forgiving nature than Phil either. I find myself walking a rather thin line somewhat often when it comes to moderation.
  12. It would have come out if you had yanked hard enough.😲
  13. That recipe never worked for me to clean up a skunked terrier. Neither does this stuff. THORNELL Skunk-Off Shampoo, 8-oz bottle - Chewy.com The only thing I found that did work was six weeks.
  14. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Jalapeno / Cheddar Jack omelet. Sumo orange.
  15. That's why hunting barns and houses back when was so effective. We'd sleep until seven, go have breakfast and start hunting about nine in the morning, when the nocturnals were all back in bed cozied up with their families and friends.
  16. So I've heard. Small towns are better at most things than any big city.
  17. The guy I hunted with in Iowa made some real money. Skinned and sold green hides. Froze carcasses and would make a Chicago run for them at $10 each. Sold the footsies to our Native American brethern who would make a totem for some tourist and sell one to us.
  18. I hope a person doesn't go to hell for killing coons by the pickup load.
  19. I used to coon hunt barns and abandoned houses in Iowa with terriers. This was in the '90's and early 2000's. Farmer's hated them. Ruined hay, milk replacer, crapped on everything. Wasn't hard at all to get permission. We'd ask politely "Sir, would you mind if we Jack Russell your barn or would you rather have us come back later and burn it down?" They pretty much all got the joke. A few wanted to hang with us and watch. It can be a lot of work moving hay to get to dogs and coons but it's a very exciting sport. It was not at all unusual to kill 100 in a day. We used to rate barns or houses as bronze, silver or gold. Bronze was 10, silver was 20 gold was 30. That's how all the holster wear got on this old friend. I put it all there 100% on my own. Big round bales and taxes on abandoned houses (they have almost all now been torn down) killed the terrier hunting. Now it's trapping or nothing.
  20. Money is only good for spending.
  21. "$30-50 each and 1000 coons" $30x1000=$30,000. $50x1000=$50,000. That was real money in the '80's.
  22. Hey good buddy, you got the Dirty Diaper...
  23. This is your kind of weather. Where you going to fish?
  24. Golly, gosh and gee whiz.
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