I used to coon hunt barns and abandoned houses in Iowa with terriers. This was in the '90's and early 2000's. Farmer's hated them. Ruined hay, milk replacer, crapped on everything. Wasn't hard at all to get permission. We'd ask politely "Sir, would you mind if we Jack Russell your barn or would you rather have us come back later and burn it down?" They pretty much all got the joke. A few wanted to hang with us and watch. It can be a lot of work moving hay to get to dogs and coons but it's a very exciting sport.
It was not at all unusual to kill 100 in a day. We used to rate barns or houses as bronze, silver or gold. Bronze was 10, silver was 20 gold was 30. That's how all the holster wear got on this old friend. I put it all there 100% on my own.
Big round bales and taxes on abandoned houses (they have almost all now been torn down) killed the terrier hunting. Now it's trapping or nothing.