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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Terrierman


    I'd guess I cleaned somewhere around 250 bluegill this year. It's one of my personal goals to have full employment for cricket farmers.
  2. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Yeah, it's king of freshwater fish flesh. There are a lot of princes, but only one king.
  3. I don't argue with my daughter either.
  4. Good handmade acrylic calls are worth the money if you are at all serious about waterfowling. That one is not acrylic but it is a beauty. For an under $25 starter call, Yentzen double reed is my suggestion. Learn to chuckle and learn to read birds in the air. The very best days and places are the ones where you just highball a time or two and then go quiet until it's flaps down. Other times you have to talk them all the way in.
  5. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I've never saved venison shanks but will this year, given the opportunity.
  6. Every time Nick Saban loses, an angel gets its wings.
  7. Shoot
  8. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Seems like the right kind of day for beans and cornbread. The old basic way which is a pound of beans {pinto today), one ham hock, S&P and two medium onions. And jiffy cornbread put in a hot cast iron skillet and then the oven.
  9. You need to guess about that? The dark part is what made me ask. Did you really poop wrench's pants? He said you did you know....
  10. Oh come on. Speculation is so much fun!
  11. I'm bringing stuff for one breakfast. There are normally others so that's still an open arena.
  12. Wow! What's it like on that river at night?
  13. It does, it does! And talk about the top shelf of chili. We probably won't starve this time either.
  14. You pooped your pants? Pete doesn't lie.
  15. Enjoy!
  16. You will both be sorely missed. But I understand.
  17. I'm making kielbasa, kraut, apples and potatoes Thursday night. Will bring some venison for one breakfast. Who knows what else.
  18. I joined the USMC in 1970 to avoid being drafted into the Army and immediately sent to Vietnam after completing training. It worked too as I never set foot on Vietnamese soil. Did see it from the deck of USS Mobile and USS Denver and a mike boat from about 500 yards. I tell anybody who asks it's something I wouldn't take a million dollars to do again or to have missed it. USMC really did shape my life in a lot of ways. Nobody owes me anything for it. And like Duane, I'm proud to have served, especially in that outfit.
  19. So I still got a chance!
  20. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Halved acorn squash with a big ball of breakfast sausage in the cavity. Squash sprinkled with S&P and some brown sugar pressed on. Baking in the oven as I type. Should be proper World Series fare in about an hour. Chickens got the squash guts. Everybody's happy now.
  21. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    I got one jar! Bunch of highwaymen I tell ya!
  22. A smart pit bull. Look out world!
  23. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    You're all set then.
  24. I've had two bad guides who got zero tip. Every other one 20% or more if there was something exceptional.
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