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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. My seven year old grandson still thinks potty humor is good stuff too.
  2. Good luck and pay no attention whatsoever to the post above this one.
  3. You'll love it.
  4. Nice trip. White was the thing for the boys trip that I posted earlier. Actually a white 3/16 zig jig, with red wrap. What seemed odd was the fish were all puking and crapping crawdad parts.
  5. All of it with care.
  6. No joke!!!! There are pictures of a big time frost they lived through.
  7. They made it to Horse Creek today, about a half day early, thanks to good flow on the river. I've heard the fishing was pretty good. These are the nicer ones. They had something like 20 each both full days. So proud of these two and their love for this world we have to live in.
  8. I'm not close enough and even if I was I don't have a stick big enough to learn you.
  9. Always with the politics. Lets not ruin this thread please.
  10. Works for the occasional problem - but there are just too many of them for that to be a solution.
  11. For the life of me I cannot understand why a nuisance invasive species like black buzzards have the MDC protecting them. To the point it's a thing for Farm Bureau to help their members get permits to control them. And if I understand correctly, depradation permits are only given to cattle operations. Might as well start protecting Mimosa and Bradford Pear. vulture-flier.pdf (mofb.org) I understand the fact that Missouri's wildlife code is prescriptive - i.e. if the animal and method aren't listed in the code, it's not legal - but for real - these things are a problem. Ask a native turkey buzzard if you can still find one. The codes need to open season on them for everyone, everywhere by any method,. Come on MDC and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, get into the real world what say?
  12. These are the two grandsons that did 100 miles in the Black Hills last summer. And now it's time for spring break. They're headed out for a few days on the river, it's a privilege to shuttle them. River is in great shape after just the right amount of rain. Check out the older brother's choice of footwear! The canoe was the older brother's HS graduation present. I knew it was a much better choice than another piece of disposable electronic gear and by golly I was right. See you on Tuesday!
  13. He's no rookie! Nice gear with the right sized net. Wonder if there's a gaff somewhere on that boat? Like his tackle too. He's got a lot more stuff than little old me. I'm a 50 pound braid guy to swivel or three way. Then 20 pound mono to circle hook(s), weight etc. As often as not, I'll set up with a 3 way, probably two foot dropper for weight. On the hook side of the three way, two feet to first hook and then another two to the bottom hook. Quality 3 way, swivels and circle hooks are a given.
  14. That secret is out. And it's no lie either. There has to be a pretty good release for it to get right.
  15. When there is a decent rise on the rivers, they're on the move. Cut shad or a gob of worms. Anchor and fish the bottom downstream of the boat. No bites in ten minutes = move. The Osage is what I fished most.
  16. Rod and reel or set lines?
  17. Terrierman


    For me at least the follow ons after Lonesome Dove sent me down a deep rabbit hole. Late night reading at its best.
  18. If I didn't love you guys already, I'd hate you. Wow that looks like a great time and some more or less OK food. Nice!!
  19. Terrierman


    A favorite of mine. But. When it comes to Western reading, nobody beats Larry McMurtry.
  20. Terrierman


    After that I'll take "True Grit". Way too many memorable lines and scenes in that movie to do anything other than watch it again..
  21. Terrierman


    My vote for best Wayne western is "The Searchers". His character in that one is a little complicated, which he did well.
  22. Terrierman


    My parents split up when I was 6. Saw my dad one time after they divorced which was a doozy. He's always been a mystery to me, one that I'll die with.
  23. Bad speller.😈
  24. Will do.
  25. Mitch and Wrench, it doesn't appear we have a contract. Please behave anyway.
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