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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. Way to be such a survivor Daryk! Your friends and I'm sure your family are all very proud of you and the hard work you have been and still are putting in. Great to read and see how you are doing.
  2. 17'' Tall 8'x2' Metal Modular Raised Garden Bed Kit(9 in 1) - Cellarre These look like something a guy like oneshot could put to good use.
  3. Terrierman


    I'd just get a load of screened topsoil delivered.
  4. Drip irrigation tubing lasts longer and gives a predictable and consistent amount of water. And it's super easy to work with.
  5. That's a really nice looking greenhouse. Wrench ole pard, it's not about saving money at this point. It's a fun hobby and the quality is undoubtedly better than what you find at the grocery store produce aisle.
  6. Terrierman


    Think Eric Bienemy is my guess.
  7. Terrierman


    That slide to give up a Superbowl TD for the lead and keep the clock running was a coaching masterpiece.
  8. These are for fun and eggs, not for meat. Think we will name them after the women in the family.
  9. Sounds like lemon scent all purpose cleaner to me.
  10. Pretty amazing how fast those little eating, drinking and pooping machines are growing. Getting wing feathers already that will be the colors the birds have as adults. They are fun and really very little trouble.
  11. I've heard that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so thanks a lot Quillback.😇 There went my supplemental retirement income.😔
  12. How much you got?
  13. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    Straighten out your act or you're next. Which you might be regardless.
  14. That's part of the deluxe package. Which for a slight upcharge is a great deal. The pro guide package includes two 5x7 color prints and one 8x10. Contact me for pricing.
  15. Same here with the real rooster. He had a big beautiful comb. Now he's got a hipster short comb. That way windy way cold time was hard on him.
  16. I can even help you with getting the subject matter of your photo being more "out front" with less clutter to distract the viewer. This service is included with my standard picture rotation package.
  17. This Wyandotte "Rooster" 'is free to anyone who wants it. For their flock or chicken and dumplings. I have five hens and as it turns out, two roosters, which is one too many. This one is going to go away one way or the other. But I hate to just go ahead and put the bird down without at least trying to give it away. I honestly think this bird started out as a hen and morphed into a rooster. Very little comb and no spurs. Started crowing weak about two months ago and now only wants to fight the real rooster. So that can't go on. If anyone wants this bird, PM me and we'll work something out. I deliver within 30 mile radius of Ozark.
  18. Send them to me, I'll rotate them for you and then send them back for you to post. $.50 each. Well worth it to try to regain a modicum of respect from your internet machine brethern. Here's another sample of my work:
  19. Sorry about your bad luck. Wish you success in finding laying hens for sale.
  20. Those perc's come with living a life of danger.
  21. Yeah it's cool to sneak in the bathroom where they are and see what they are up to. They seem quite happy and healthy so far.
  22. Maybe some bright shining distant day you'll get it figured out how to rotate pictures.😎
  23. Silky is hard to find. Our rooster uses the bumper of my truck for a mirror. And occasionally gets in a fight with himself. It's usually a pretty even match with both of them getting tired of fighting at the same time.
  24. I went out today on a little road trip. Was feeling a little lonely so I thought it might be a thing to pick up some chicks. And I did! And these little honeys just love me to death. Three splash aracauna (the easter egg birds) two barred rock - a personal fave chicken - and a Buff Orpington = just because I've never had one. They're rockin' right along. Drinking, eating and perfect temp. Wait. That's six. I see seven. No clue what they gave me for a spare.
  25. I found a broken off Rebel Wee Craw in a tree branch this one time.
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