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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. You sound jealous you didn't think of it first. And I sure didn't start it with all the complaining about how rough divorce was. Just joining in a good whine fest.
  2. Congratulations.
  3. No wonder everybody hates you.
  4. First ex wife was her call and comparedly a breeze. Second one I was married to for 23 years. The first two or three of them weren't that bad. Third wife should have been first wife or even second and then we both would have saved a lot of money and heartaches. But she wouldn't have me then. I'm her third too. We both joke that this one has to stick otherwise three strikes and you're out.
  5. Cry me a river. I bought my second ex-wife a PHD in psychology and gold plated health insurance for several years. All for a woman who already had a masters degree, was a licensed professional counselor, held a lifetime teaching certificate and owned two Curves stores. I didn't have enough money left over to even be broke. Won't even begin to talk about the cash and real estate she got too. But it was a lot.
  6. Killjoy.
  7. Jerry Reed "She Got the Goldmine, I got The Shaft" - YouTube
  8. I lost all of my guns and ammunition in a tragic boating accident.
  9. I know, it's just weird. Want to know something even weirder? I heard there are animals that prefer to live in the water. I tried that once and nearly drowned!
  10. Just wait until Pat Robertson gets involved.
  11. I think you should ask your pastor about all of these problems. Clearly, much prayer is in order.
  12. There were big skeins of Snows overhead yesterday, riding that wind back to the Arctic. Nature is so awe inspiring.
  13. First time ever that I was wrong!
  14. Gosh. Watch your fingers! Heck of a fish, WTG.
  15. Nope. It's not diluted. Comes in vials that contain X number of doses. X = 6 for now though there is usually some vaccine left over after 6. So there is discussion/applications to allow maybe 8 doses per vial. And now Pfizer has data that normal freezers are fine. Asking for CDC approval for easing up on the storage requirements. Hope and trust that will happen soon to ease up on the whole vaccination backlog problem.
  16. I guess. 🙃 SAD!
  17. Typical St. Louis type who doesn't care. Or is willing to just guess. Sad!🙃
  18. Are you really that far out of touch? Pfizer and BioNTech Submit COVID-19 Vaccine Stability Data at Standard Freezer Temperature to the U.S. FDA | Pfizer
  19. We had a flying squirrel get into our house when I was in high school. Seemed like my room was one of his favorite hangouts. MDC agent finally trapped him in the attic. Those things will keep you up at night.
  20. The nap is.
  21. I took some ibuprofen and a nap. Feel fine now.
  22. I enjoyed Port Aransas TX more than any time I ever spent in Florida. We were thinking of going to the Keys earlier but took a pass until we and the folks we were going to go with got vaccinated. That's happened for us now, so who knows where we will go when. We're all itchy to get somewhere warm for a few days.
  23. Got the second shot yesterday. Today I feel like I've been through the hammermill at one of the few remaining Texas coal fired power plants that is still on line. Very sore body aches. No fever though and I expect this to pass fairly quickly. Worth it.
  24. Fatigue is a symptom, right?
  25. Not if she wants it to last.
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