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Everything posted by cheesemaster

  1. Quillback - your going to scare people away from the OA tournament catching fish like that. I know of several people blanking lately and you can’t keep them out of your boat. Well done!!!
  2. It is starting to break up - another day or two like today and I will be able to launch again.
  3. I am across the river at the very next boat ramp.
  4. I am about 1/2 mile up from the marina and there is no open water here.
  5. I have not seen this in the 5-6 years I have been down here. I am sure many of you have. Lake is frozen from bank to bank. Thought I would share it with you all.
  6. Thanks for the great deals magicwormman!! You have an awesome setup and a super nice wife. I am very happy with the rods and can’t wait till we use them. See you again soon!!
  7. I am down from Bridgeport about a mile and it’s pretty muddy in front of my house as of last night. Not sure what Bridgeport looks like but my experience is it will be much the same as my house.
  8. I agree - cold muddy water is not my cup of tea either. Probably time to go to Beardsley where the fish are thick and the fishing is easy.😂😂
  9. What part of the lake?
  10. I will bring some desserts.
  11. Definitely a very nice day for sure. Well done!!
  12. I fished from 7:30 to 11:00. Wind was pretty strong after the first hour. I thought I was going to have a heyday. I had 3 in the boat after 5 casts with 1 keeper. Then it got slow. I ended with around 10 fish and a walleye that was about 16”. What does the length need to be for a walleye anyway? I caught the other 7 in a wind blown, sun beaten, chunk rock bank at the end of a bluff that stretched about 150 yards. All on a jerk bait. I did throw a rock crawler but I didn’t give it much of a chance. I included a picture of my “spot lock” - a stump that held me in position while I fished that 150 yard stretch for a few minutes.
  13. It was nice meeting you and your son. Your son caught number 5 when we were talking this morning. Must have slowed down after we talked. I plan to head out tomorrow morning - I will post how I do. Maybe we can head out together sometime if things work out.
  14. I dropped in about 7:30 until about 12:30 this morning and fished the main lake from Cape up to Walnut Shade. Winning lure was a jerk bait. Water in the Cape area was 48.5 with about 4 foot visibility - that Is were the fish came from. I caught about 20-25 fish with only 2 keepers. One was a 17.5” small mouth - that was fun and the other was a K that was just 15”. I ran up to Walnut and the water was 41.6 with visibility of about 12 feet and I didn’t get a sniff. It was tough up there. I threw several things but nothing worked. I also want to show you guys my one and only Grandkid (a boy that likes to fish- lol). I am too proud to not share this with you guys. Isn’t he awesome!!
  15. I am in. Alway fun . Disappointed we couldn’t do it last March - but agree with the decision.
  16. Nice smallmouth for sure. What’s the color of the 110 that you have pictured there? I used the Table Rock shad and I really like it. I was a huge McStick in Bandit until I got the vision 110.
  17. I didn’t do the white spoon test - but I would guess around 4 feet.
  18. Put in at 7:15am to heavy fog. Threw a shakey head to start and it was slow. I then threw a vision110 and had a good day. Total of around 25-30 with 6 being keepers. I fished mostly bluff ends and points. I caught mostly K’s. I got off the water at 11:00. It was a fun day. I hope to get out more regularly now and post weekly again (with pics) - if life don’t get in the way.
  19. Did you sell your Pro Qualifier?

  20. I am way too much of a one dimensional type of guy, so this might be a waste of your time reading this. I had (should of reported on here) a fairly decent day on Monday. I fished mainly the bluff end transitions, rock slides on bluffs and 45 degree channel bends with a black and gold buzz bait. Had 6 keeps with the biggest being in the 3 lb range. I didn’t fish any other lure because I had enough action to keep me satisfied. Fished from sun-up to 11:00 in the Cape Fair area.
  21. Agreed. Comparing it to what I see out of my front window - it is very accurate. Pretty cool - Thanks for sharing.
  22. Top secret. I have no idea.
  23. Nice job, thanks for the report.
  24. I am not working - so I will take care of the chips.
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