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Ryan Ripp

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. My kids had a ton of fun last Saturday, and then Tuesday evening. TONS of whites
  2. They are there boys! Go get em! Took the kids this last weekend. 4yr old caught her first fish! We cleaned 15 whites(10m/5f) and a 17" walleye
  3. I'll be taking the kids in a boat and trolling. Easiest way to find em!
  4. I'm hopeful some folks will share. The kids and I will be newbies to Fellows this season also!
  5. Can anybody that lives closer than myself (Strafford) give me a report on the water level at the 160 bridge at Turnback? Wondering if it's deep enough to get a boat above the bridge.
  6. If you follow this post you would think you could throw any old thing and catch fish with it on TR! We all know better. You guys have been absolutely no help!!! Just kidding, this has been a bunch of fun watching today!
  7. I fish the same tournament every year on the rock in April. We are almost always fishing prior to fish being on the beds. We fish Friday slay the fish, Saturday don't catch a fish, and Sunday in the tournament catch some keepers! Great guy weekend for the whole bunch. If you have 5+ rods pre rigged prior to going to the lake what are they? Here are mine, I of course have more tied on then this! #1--Purple Shad War Eagle Spinner Bait #2--Deep Diving Rapala/Crankbait #3--Black War Eagle Spinner Bait #4--Wiggle Wart #5--A-Rig
  8. I have used jugs on Truman for blues, but never any on TR for channels or flats. Does anyone have any hints, my sons and i will be setting jugs in the Cricket Creek/Long Creek area.
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