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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by fishingaddiction

  1. Based on skeeter's post the MO DOT has listened to the local folks comments and are trying to figure out the best way to get this done with the least amount of hassle. Those of us who use the bridge regularly know how bad it is, so I am glad they are going to fix it. OldMillRoad: I sent you a PM just now. You must live close to our house in Mill Creek Shores.
  2. I just found your post ab. I have watched these before, but the information is worth watching them again, especially being on the wart and stick bait and early spring techniques. Good stuff.
  3. +1 on this.
  4. Cool. Enjoy what's left of your spring break.
  5. Thanks for the report Fish. Good to hear some fish caught on the jerk bait in the baxter area. I know the water temps are somewhat higher up the white, and most good reports are up lake.
  6. Congrats on the slam.
  7. Very nice looking fish. Were you working the wart fairly slow?
  8. Thanks for the upper white report thumbs. Love the pic of the nice K, and the ice cream cone from Garfield is the bomb.
  9. Good report Danger. sixstring: Thanks for your input also, good to here the sticker got a few good one's for you.
  10. Thanks for the report, and congrats on the fish you caught. Sorry to hear the sticker isn't working.
  11. Excellent looking products Danger. You certainly have a your heart in the right place for what you do. I will email you shortly and try some of your products. Thanks!
  12. Nice assortment of colors and jig heads. Looks like you are officially a member of the ned nation.
  13. The K's are still hiding out in the deep stuff. Won't be long when the water temp get's into the 50's.
  14. Way to hammer em guys. Nice fish Alex, I am surprised QB left that one for you. Ha Ha Bye the way Bill, as tough as the catching has been in K city area we need some of those hungry river fish to be transplanted.
  15. DC, Nice looking jig heads. I agree with Dave, the double weed guard could inhibit the action of the rig. I mostly fish sparse cover with the rig, so the single wire guard is generally good enough. I would certainly be interested in trying your jigs in 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32. Thanks for posting the pic.
  16. Great report. Sounds like the Kings will be muddy for a while.
  17. I use these. They are somewhat pricey, but are on sale now. One of these days I will be able do some homemade stuff. http://www.cabelas.com/product/PJs-Finesse-Baits-Grub-and-Worm-Jigheads/1580226.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dpj%2527s%2Bjig%26WTz_l%3DHeader&Ntt=pj's+jig&WTz_l=Header
  18. bluebasser, Good info on the shadZ for use on the scrounger head. I have always used paddle tail swim baits for that set up. The shadZ would provide a completely different look.
  19. Good luck on pouring your own docs. I would think an elaztech doctor would have more action and float up of the bottom, which would be good for the c rig.
  20. If you think it is a zoo now just wait until those 70 to 80 degree days are the norm. Good report Bill.
  21. Great report, appreciate the detailed information.
  22. Nice day with a variety of fish caught.
  23. QB the little rig doesn't discriminate between fish species. It will catch them all. Nice Eye, I understand about cleaning fish at the end of the day, but that one deserved the knife.
  24. All you guys had decent bags congrats, just a few upgrades away from being right there. The fishing has been and still is really tuff. If not fishing the right stuff or right technique is very easy to have nothing to show for days work. Hats off to Alex for catching them on something other than the rig. I am ready for anything else to be productive other than the rig. Thanks for posting.
  25. Good read on the shadz. I have had good luck with these on the drop shot, but haven't used them for the little rig. It would be hard for me to try them when the zinker works so well. An elaztech fish doctor.........that would work.
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