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Everything posted by mjk86

  1. I have a box of old ones that I'd never use cuz they are worth so much....I got a couple of new ones that I like to use and am actually willing too.....for 6 bucks or whatever they are a great crank. Good trolling baits if you only have 2 lines out.
  2. They are effective for sure. When I need to go deeper than 20 (I've maxed out at 26-27ft with 190ft 15/4 depth hunter) ft I'll use a hot n tot, mag wart or reef runner. Very wide wobble aggressive and erratic bait. They have never out fished a flicker shad for me but get deeper without lead. I Agree with above...my best day with a hot j tot came at Stockton trolling the gravel flats around the dam ticking the bottom with a crawfish colored one.
  3. For the record small black bass taste about like crappie or walleye. Maybe a little stronger but not really noticeable. Stripers and white bass taste alright too but as was mentioned you have to get the red meat out...not as good as black bass or walleye imo. The best eating fish though is a 9-11 inch crappie caught in water below 50 degrees....just heavenly.
  4. Can someone explain why hair jigs are used in the winter vs a regular jig all other times of year? What's the difference? I think they sure look cool. I'd use em all year!
  5. Haha. I hate when facts get in the way of agendas.
  6. xrap size 8 on spinning gear with 10# braid, can cast a ways, work the bait well, and feel bites.
  7. I don't understand gigging...Seems like you waste a lot of the meat? Those fish look like they were run over with a lawn mower. Those are nice fish with half the meat ruined. A sad waste.
  8. When fishing those things do you get way more bites than hook ups? I notice with 2 treble hook jerk baits and top waters that my hook up ratio drops. Although that's probably something I'm doing. Seems like with those things most fish would not get hooked? That would be very frustrating to me.
  9. Wow....that's about what my boat cost me seriously. :/ There really is no comparison however in terms of realism. They are like works of art.
  10. They also have the worlds largest letter M. 200 feet tall!!! Just kidding, but that would be awesome.
  11. Yeah!!! BPS!! I hate those guys! The nerve they have being open on thanksgiving, and being as greedy as possible....why would a company do that?! Much rather shop cabelas, or tackle warehouse companies that are somehow more righteous ...oh wait.....Meanwhile...lets all go get some more plastic forks from walmart and vote to lower the taxes old "johnny boy" and the rest of the ultra rich have to pay. This paradox baffles me to know end.
  12. Shows what i know. I hate deer hunting so much, i spent all weekend in the woods rifle hunting (not friday...like it would have mattered), and two weekends so far bow hunting...nothing to show for it, only to literally run deer out of my driveway most evenings on the way home from work.
  13. Isn't bow season closed during rifle season?
  14. Two reels permanently outfitted with lead core will solve ur problem. If you need to go deep simply switch reels on your trolling rods and go to town. I've found that at 2mph long lining or lead core are easier than 3 ways. Lead core line is amazing. You really only need a section of it or a few colors although my reels have 10 colors. He's correct about too many variables. That's always the problem with trolling, lead core line changes all of them too making it more complicated to hit a particular depth. Precision trolling dive curves are a general reference but highly variable. The best solution to this is to simply use your graph and the crank bait to tell you how deep ur trolling. Troll a gently sloping roll off and feel when your bait stops ticking the bottom watching ur graph the whole time. If your not using metered line or a line counter reel than Mark that spot in the line so you can repeat that same amount of line out. My two cents.
  15. What do you think of the shadow rap? does it sink slower than a weightless fluke? For the price ill buy one or two...sad that 10 bucks is a cheap lure. Ive always done well with xraps and RC STX for jerk baits just need a hook upgrade, if I werent such a cheapo id get the good ones but i just cant justify it. I actually have 1 lucky craft pointer, and at the lake i fish on my lunch break ive been able to catch em on the xrap, but not the pointer.
  16. I'd invite anyone to head down there and spend a day fishing. I promise it's not going to be what they'd expect or want. When I say most folks I mean 99.99 percent of folks.
  17. Great smallie btw!!
  18. Eh....Most folks will go once...get skunked for a few hours and not go back. Remember that you really only see the best reports or highlights here. What doesn't get posted are the hours of nothing...numerous snags...less than scenic views....and plentiful drum and gar. What you don't see a lot of is "walked the bank for 3 hours and caught 1 small bass and lost a lot of lures" but I'd bet that it happens more often than not. At least that's usually how it goes for me. It's not an easy place to fish.
  19. lol it was a joke (apparently a bad one ), keeping bass can be a touchy subject depending on where you go and who you ask.
  20. stroll on over to the table rock forum and post this same thing.....ahahahahahaha. Nice haul!! Looks like you had a good day!
  21. I guess im just calling in to question the validity of said "whizzing match". I agree with you that it would be dumb to stock stripers in some sort of retaliatory purpose...that said....It doesnt take much credibility to write an opinion article on the internet for a news agency. Its a poorly written article at that. What I am saying is that you have nothing to worry about. Its highly unlikely that the AGFC is going to intentionally destroy the bass fishery in table rock by stocking stripers in their small piece of it. Its fantasy land, and sensationalizing to get someone to read the article. I believe the term is "click bait". It causes knee jerk reactions, and inflammatory reactions with very little if any basis in reality...ahh the internet, dont ya love it.
  22. Who cares. If bull has stripers and good bass....but beaver has stripers and bad bass. Can you draw too much of a conclusion? I wouldn't worry too much. Like the game of telephone when we were in grade school. 1 persons knee jerk reaction multiplied 50 times is meaningless. Table rock will continue to be a good lake for black bass.
  23. Nutech makes a crappie jig? Like the bass jigs but crappie fish 80 percent of the time.
  24. mjk86

    trolling lures.

    I have probably 15 tackle trays full of trolling cranks. My grandpa's, my dad's, and my own collection. Wiggle warts, hot n tots, reef runners, shad raps, tail dancers, trolls to, bandits the list goes on...nothing I've trolled is as effective than a flicker shad size 5 6 7. They just simply have outfished everything I've pulled by a long shot.
  25. I love a rounded/symmetrical size 12 snap swivel with 15-20# braid and a very fast rod. Better hookups from long distance strikes in addition to all the benefits of mono. Most importantly though in my opinion is to put good hooks in them...junk hooks will ruin ur day if they are biting topwater.
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