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Old plug

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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. I went to to the one at Maramec Springs several times when we had Family in the area. Was not anything to write home about. I caught a lot bigger in the Huzzah creek in early spring than I ever did down there by rolling a 6 inch plastic worm over the bottom.
  2. I do not eat a lot of fish. also just like store bought batter mix. My big thing is fresh. I like Crappie caught vin the morning and eaten by lunch. I cannot think of anything better other than Fresh caught Red snapper.
  3. You could not throw anything . There were 3 marine with M1s shooting the sharks that showed up almost as fast as he hit the water. Yeah it gives you a real helpless feeling
  4. I got two young granddaughters. I waited many years for them. would like to watch them a bit more Drowning is not the most pleasant death. I believe it would very painful. I still can visualize very clearly (after 60+ yrs) a Pilot drown after his A4D flamed out on the catapult out in the middle of the Indian Ocean. He hit the water and blew his canopy But for some reason he could not get out of the aircraft or even eject. We all stood there on the flight deck and watched him go slowly down. Got to see the whole show of the struggle and gasping for air. It kind of instilled a fear of drowning in me.
  5. I am not that bad yet. Hope i die before i get to that point. I am pretty active and do get on the lake weekdays every evening and only fell twice. It could have been worse. I hate to see the end of it coming. I just want to stretch it out a few more years I might to if I stay away from that dog of wrench's he likes nothing better to knock me all over the kitchen
  6. I am wondering about the current prices for lead and if its of or otherwise. I have access to a big of lead plumbing pipe. Some of it dates back to before the turn of the last century. I do not have to pay for it but I want to. One of my inlaws have a a pile of it at there business. I have used some but it has to be throughly cleaned with a brush soap and water. Then Cleaned again in the lead pot to get all the impurities out In a 10 lb pot it will will give me about 6-7 lbs of lead. The rest it sand like yellow impurities. In the end it is worth the effort. I t is the smoothest pouring soft lead I have ever used They give me any I might want. But I feel like i should be paying something for it.
  7. That another thing I got to be careful of I have fell twice this year. Getting from the rear deck of a bsss boat down onto he seats and floor. When ?I am back there looking down just does not look right. Suppose that is part of the 80 yrs coming soon.
  8. I got to wonder about this island MESSING AROUND. It must have been quite interesting to make a young Billethead miss his boat drifting away.
  9. That is very true Wrench. It is panic that causes most of the drownings. We were taught how to control someone in panic. They will rally fight you. The instructor sure did. Around here I would wear any inflatable on the dock Down. I am wondering how ay they are to trip and inflate. By me as you know the lake really bounces a lot of the time. The thing I am mostly concerned about myself is not being able to float. I think that might be my age.
  10. I know everyone of us preaches water safety and I realize probley 90% of us do not always practice what we preach. I was rated a life guard at age 16 by WMCA. One of the things We had to go through in the training was to swim 50 laps in a olympic sized pool. As I remember that was a challenge even for a 16yr old. But over the past year I have had a couple of revelations. I was bouncing drop shot down a shelved channel bank about 100 ft off the shore. I was a hot summer day and of course the life jacket was not on. The thought entered my mind. " Do you think you can swim that shore" I had to think about that hard enough that I put my life jacket on. Then recently we started a aquatic Class. I Started to jump in the deep end with the intentions of swimming up to the shallow end where the old folks were gathering for the class. Kind of showing off like we are not all as old as our years. For some reason i changd my min and decided to walk around to where the rest of the old foggies were. I decided to display my prowess by swimming across the pool in about 4 ft of water . Well I launched out into the pool and promptly sank. It is a scary thing to realize you no longer have any bouncy. I might have drown had I jumped that deep end. Some Angel must have been watching over me in both instances. It is something too think about no matter young or old.
  11. My problem is reverse of yours I Cannot look towards the future I will be doing 12 month CDs and just watching for the highest rates I can get on those. At almost 80 i do not see long range investment kin anything. I take the CD a maturity and put it in a savings account. We are making up for time lost. It is because we both were raise by parents that came thru the depression We picked up a lot of bad advise that stuck with us for years.
  12. They do not care about any charges evidently anymore I understand there are many folks mortgaging.Bass boats for 20-25 yrs. That is a powerful lot of money spent to play and keep up with the jones. If these young guys would by CD.s and saving and run around in a tin atone in 25yrs. You might amazed at what they might able to buy. It does not accumulate fast but it is steady.
  13. I agree with that wrench It sure can help for confidence at least till it does not work.. Bass are really good at shifting patterns fast. I will give everyone a good accurate fishing report for LOZ right now.. The 4th dock up Mill creek cove on the Cedar Point Is not a crappie hot spot any longer. No matter what time you get there You can be assured at least one and probably 3-4 boats have Already fish it. I do not fish it anymore for crappie myself but occasionally to drink my morning coffee.There just is no quality to see or numbers anymore. I know I have live there.
  14. Go to your local Mennards when they got a 10% off sale you can get Batteries cheaper than $200. Just tkecgoodcsre of them after you get them. Overcharge is the main problem I have had. I nolongert own a battery charger more than 3 amps.. What is this Wrench. As long as I have known you. What does your wife need a vibrator for. Are you admitting defeat.
  15. Glad they got caught but that sort of action can backfire If they post those pictures. If they know who the kids are just report it to the parents I got a question for you my son called and said there were people stranded on 44 for 12 hours. His Job takes him all over the East and West metro are like the Mill man.. He as to go no matter what the weather is
  16. Roads are clear all voer around Laurie Just wet ND WE How no type of removal are salting back in here. Temp is 31 Yesterday we got about 2 inches of snow then had light rain into it most of the day. I was enough to cause some of my neighbors docks to sink down about 3" I am happy we did not get all that snow. Heavy wet snow can do a lot of damage to docks
  17. I have brought big bass over 3 lbs up from the 30 ft range many times. Slow means slow and often than I like to see you cannot seem to do it slow enough in the hot summer time. if they are over 21" long
  18. I would go just out of support for Mitch. But a drive of 400-500 miles round trip is just a bit to expensive. I been trying to see them at LOZ for a couple of years but never even made that.. I would really like to know the specific name and address of the place they will be. I might be a Lake but I rarely go farther than than either of the Walmarts. Either in Osage Beach or Camden. It is toooo busy over there for my liking
  19. They do not care whats good all they care about is you buying it and profit
  20. i got both Pflueger President and Another top line I only seen in shops a short time called a Pflueger Templar.. Basically they are absolutely the same reel the Templar was about 10 bucks cheaper though.. Only two expensive spinning reels I own.
  21. IfTaney como has any bi big blue cats in that. IO had that happen last year. Insnagged one I think. And it just slowly swam away. Turned the front of 90 degrees are better before he pulled loose
  22. I agree with having as long as you do not run up on them or flash a sudden light in there face They're easy to kill.. I use a 410 slug on them
  23. All I will ever use it for are crappie. I just think it will not sink well and reach the depth with 1/32 jigs for me. I have 25 yards on there now. I will put the rest on another spinning reel and fish Jerk baits with it starting in about 6 weeks around here
  24. That post is not what the page I was posting on said it posted. I have since put the Nano thru some test and have my doubts. First two cast I made with the stuff it floated on top. I made about 6 more cast using 1/32 oz jig. I did this to find to see how long it took the jig to reach down 12ft or so into the top of the brush I was casting over. .It never did get there. At the time there was a very tiny current in LOZ and the whole cast line and jig drifted all the way back to the dock.That was totally unexpected. Makes me wonder if you river guys on rivers are not at the mercy of a current and having giant bows in your line..After a few more cast the line started to sink better but the drifting in line and jig also never did stop. The sink rate was nothing like I had been led to believe it would be either. I thought it would be fast. Reason I thought it would be fast is because I fish a lot with my neighbor off his dock When we were fishing identical jigs with his 8lb Nano and my 8lb mono his jig was getting down twice as fast as mine to the top of the brush. Still do not understand that. I am a stickler for drop rate. I use braid to slow it down and mono to make it drop better. I was hoping to find something that let a tiny jig down a bit faster than the mono. As far as knots go I had heard so many stories about how they had to be perfect and certain types on had to be used The old Palomar though did just fine like it always does if tied well. At this point I am a bit disappointed in the lines preformance. But you never know until you try it.
  25. I just bought and tr
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