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Old plug

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. I went out White Bass fishing for about a hour last evening on a point close to the house. I found a couple of groups of fish at 18 ft. Got 2 out of one group and three out of another. Those 5 white were the bast i have seen in my neighborhood for a few years. All were right around 14" . Very happy to see that. They have stocked so many Hybrids these past few year I was kind of thinking they were competing with the Whites.
  2. Happy Birthday Phil There is one thing I learned when to passed that mile stone. You start thinking your old and next thing your acting like it. So don't do it. The thinking young can last you many more years.
  3. I own two kinds of rods.Cherrywood and Ugly Stick. most 6 1/2 and 7 ft medium action rods. Might have 4-5 preach around here. I have had Ugly sticks since they came on the market with just pistol grips on them. I still have the original someplace. That rod had been used so much the Protective layer of paint or whatever it is was cracking off. I do not fish a awful lot of different types of lures. At this point in my life I fish where I want ,when I want and how I want. I fish nowhere but on LOZ and only about 2-3 hours and day. Rarely more than a couple miles from my house.I do better than average and never keep a fish . I am not out to impress anyone. I believe most rods can be used for several different applications this to depends on the individual. My neighbor has a 6 ft crappie outfit he insist on using for fishing big plastic worms for bass and Hybrids. The more battle he has to put up with the better he likes it. Last summer he caught a 8+lb hybrid on one of them on 4 lb test line. That thing made several long runs before I ever got it to the net..He loved every minute of it. If one gets off( very few do) he's mature enough fisherman that it does not bother him in the least. Im the same way so we make a good pair.
  4. Truth be told it is what fits you like a bowing ball. If it does you can about use it in several situations
  5. You pay at the gate is what I think. I can check on this for you to be sure. The show is next Friday the 22 and Saturday the 23 at Lake Ozark Speedway in Eldon I agree about the Hybrids. She will be on stage 2pm and 9pm Friday and 4pm and 8pm Saturday.
  6. There was a fella lived in there next cove had adapted a pedal boat to 24 volt trolling motor. I would I'm,agine you could do something on that order with either a small gas or electric motor. That might work. I think a pontoon would bar your best bet and much safer. Had friend here fished off 24ft one for several years. Here on LOZ th]outh they are a definite handicap in wakes,winds and dock fishing. I am starting to have some balance problem myself.I can understand your feeling of your going to fall in. I do not feel bit confident getting down from high rear platforms in either of my fishing buddies boats.I have fell twice on the floor of the boat.. It seems to me the looking down has something to do with it. If I can feel the seat as I step It seem to be be a lot easier I have very little problem however fishing off a high butt seat in my old 18 ft Targa most of the time SO FAR. Unlike the guys in the photo I never ever go out on the lake anymore without a life jacket. Being here on LOZ I also stay off it when there is lots of wakes. The truth is RPS we are both playing with a dangerous situation It drives my wife nuts. But I would rather drown than be laying around in a nursing home some day not knowing who anybody was and costing my family a lot of money. Whatever you decide it is not going to solve the balance problem so be careful and mindful of not at ll times.
  7. AHHHH the kid is back from her trip Huh Wrench. I need to come by and talk to her. She is still speaking English I hope. I have not touched anything in over a week. I have 7 yard of gravel setting on the driveway Then had to rework thevyard from transporting most of it down the the lake side of the By that time it was Thursday and the lake was starting to churn. My fishing buddies have both been gone as wel. l One in Texas baby sitting and the other down in Nashville tending to business The latter ones is Rhonda Vincent's husband.. She is going to be doing a two day show in Eldon at Lake Ozark Speedway.Just in case any of you bluegrass fans are interested. There will be Rhonda and her band The Rage, Trinity River Band , Collins Brothers, Possum Trot and Moe Brady will be there Saturday.I guess it sounds funny coming from a deaf man. Rhonda and her family are personal friends though and I am just sort of putting out the word about the show. If you see some old codger walking around at the show with a very ratty frayed hat on it will be me.
  8. Fresh shad will about beat anything hands down if your going to be on LOZ
  9. There is current all the time on LOZ. you just do not notice it. I can stand on my dock in the Gravois and tell when they are drawing water from the late are allowing it in .
  10. Really I believe any poor fishing in some periods in the fall has to do with the fishes own time clock. I think this past few weeks there has been a lot of very selective feeding on shad. There is nothing in this world like a live shad or smell like one. When they get into that type mood catching quality fish on anything else becomes difficult . I believe this is triggered by the length of day,Moon phases and other changes in there natural environment.I think these natural things are telling them winter is on the way. Like wrench says. And I know he knows. There are places in all of LOZ where where sudden inflow can make for real good fishing But you got to be there for the where and when of it. I have not fished the upper lake in years but when I did and there was a current I used to fish it a bit like a slow flowing river figuring the current into a lot in my presentation.
  11. You miss it wrench i should have been more blunt and raid I have no equipment less then 12 or 13 in long
  12. Are they 10" inches !2" long. I do not have anything shorter than that anywhere
  13. What's a mega worm and who makes it.. I do a good deal of my fishing with worms that take 0/6 hooks
  14. Does not surprise me.. There was a fool had three small children in a tube and running up and down the channel with at dusk. But he did have his running lights on. He better had. He was running up and down mid lake on a weekend evening about 1 1/2 miles below That Coconut bar..
  15. I think Dennis is a man with a moral compass. We all have one some just cannot follow it. Some just justify what they did in another way. Everyone struggles with right or wrong. We are all in this together. all men are suppose to be brothers sure hard too see this day in age. There is a song that has a very big impact on me when I want to go off my own compass. Part of the lyrics have a profound impact on me. they go like this. Anyone who is a into Bluegrass probably familiar with this song. I have never heard the music but the words sure discribe what we do. There are Many People who will say, they are christian on the Sabbath day But come Monday morning till the coming Sunday They will fight their neighbor all the way
  16. There is only ! thing about all these regulations. THEY HAVE TO BE ENFORCED. The Friday before memorial day I set on my deck and watched 4 patrol boats block the lake for a boater checks. They were there from about 9am till10:30 am at which time they went to the bar up the cove. During that period they only pulled over wave runners and fishing boat plus one or two small run abouts They let every larger high priced boats blow right thru them. I mentioned this to a friend of mine who was up very high in the old water patrol that it looked like they were called off bothering the larger boats. He said they probably were. So that is where the problem is on any lake or stream. When they preform late night checks for BWI,drugs etc they report to the locale news how many they arrest or warn. The number is low it cannot be believed. It is usually a single digit. I know it must be higher than that. I watched Morgan county Sheriff conduct a stop on Hwy 5 one evening. They nearly filled a school bus with drunks before dark. Bet they could and should be doing that on the lakes and streams

    1. Bill Babler

      Bill Babler

      Glad to hear you are doing well with it.  As you know I had Rotator Cuff surgery they had to put 3 anchors in but the injury was fresh and it healed fantastic.  I did do rehab and it was great.  Shoulder is back really at better than full strength.  Of course I'm careful with it, but it feels fantastic.

      Thanks for asking, I appreciate it.  Glad your doing well with yours.

  18. Ive seen one its berthed in a condo bot for drop me. but needer seen in on the water. And if he would be doing 105 mph. He would not be throwing a 5 ft wake. You will see tsk on any .lake in the state unless something g is done
  19. I knew a fella down at Clearwater Lake used to catch crappie and sell them. As a matter of fact there was not much game he did not catch shoot or trap that he would not sell. His wife could fillet a crappie faster than anyone I have ever seen. They would catch him take him to court, he would pay his fine go home and go right back to it That happened several times And yes he was very poor. But in his case it was of his own choice. But that does not mean ALL poor are by choice. We got a big community here of folks that are not poor by being lazy or choice. Its named Ivy Bend You got a point about the giving of fish to organization for fund raising etc It is overlooked the same as the cash card games that go on in the back rooms of some of these places. You cannot overlook the law to satisfy some privleaged and expect those who are not a part of that to obey they law. That is how we get to where we are. Bending laws to suit some.
  20. Well you cannot hurt me with your childish tantrum. Years ago I was a Cyber Angel. Been attack by mentally disturbed people a lot worse than you are capable of. I can handle it I know how. Give you a good peace of advice. Only person your hurting with this stuff is YOU. You would be surprised what stress can do to your health. With the exception of a few who know me for real on here you are nothing but a posted baseless opinion to me. Thought you were going to ignore me once before. Then do it or ask Lilly to remove me.
  21. I am not fighting with this fool. He has made remarks about LOZ in the past. I let him rave on since he cannot hurt me. All he is doing is getting all upset and causing himself a lot of undue stress.
  22. There you go lying again. I given some pretty good tips. I do not come on here and be cute about turds floating aroun=d in LOZ Really the whole post was there just for you. I knew it would get you to telling your BS
  23. I wa out here then. But wife was still working there during the week up there. If you lived in south St charles you would never forget it. 40 ent under and that made the most awful traffic situation. It actually flooded up there twice. Second time was because LOZ dumped on them.
  24. Sure seems too me that Table Rock seems to have a lot of fish kills for someplace that is suppose to be gods gift to the fisherman.How could that happen in a such a perfect place.
  25. Trolling is the key for catching them deep. Got a friend got 8 Hybrids last week trolling nothing much more than 2 lbs. Trolling is just not in me. and neither is chasing them around when they on top.. I will take my chances on a place they come to with some regularity. Have tried putting shad down into schools of them deep to no avail. Of course threre always that odd ball that does not conform to the norm. I just do not have the patients for that.I enjoy the hunt. I think the best time to get them is when they are on their way to feed. The bigger they seem to get the deeper they stay as well. I fish a break a lot that they seem to come over. I have caught my share of larger ones there down 20 ft or better.
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