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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. FIFY. Probably darters, many micro species, madtoms, bottom fish like blackfish, sea bass, sea robins, eels, skates and rays, etc. 😅
  2. It was never fully banned globally. I couldn't find the data but have heard that the US was still a major producer of DDT for a long time after the ban of use in the US. It is more likely that those millions of deaths were in areas not able to afford paying for and use of DDT without being supported by the WHO or US and European interests.
  3. Mitch DDT is still being produced in China and India. It is still used for mosquito control in Africa. I don't think that there were millions of deaths in the US as a result of the EPA ban on it's use. I could be wrong. DDT is a very persistent and toxic compound to invertebrates and fish. The continued overuse of DDT would have likely destroyed many of the great fisheries that we have. Ham probably would never had been able to catch that giant redfish. Carson's work did create a lot of the thought process now in the testing requirements needed to register new compounds as well as reevaluate old ones for continued use.
  4. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Pork chop with roasted brussel sprouts and scalloped potatoes.
  5. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

  6. Jealous of this guy. Congrats!
  7. That's dedication
  8. Fishing with @BilletHead or @FishnDave be like....
  9. I still have nightmares!
  10. I would like to report guys keeping more than their limits of white bass on the Spring River 🤣
  11. Looks like a great trip guys.
  12. I found them to be really dry, so just stopped eating them!
  13. I usually just log those into the memory banks for future fishing . Unfortunately as I get older I find that those subfolders in the old cranium tend to get more difficult to access .
  14. Shouldn't be much further than the last place I sent @FishnDave.
  15. He just resurfaced on a group text. He's doing well not sure when he will get back on OAF. Maybe after his next trip to Taney.
  16. I have never caught a confirmed 7+ lb bass ever. However, big or small I post them all !
  17. Any photos?!? I ask for a friend . @liphunter@snagged in outlet 3
  18. Seems like the confirmed brown bullheads in MO are down around Mingo in SE MO.
  19. This haunts me, especially with Florida fish. How many spotted sunfish might I have mistaken for bluegill or other grunt species that I lumped with French grunts. Or did I catch a bigmouth sleeper. I've taken at least five or six species that I thought I had caught, e.g., black bullheads, from the life list because without a photo, I'm just not sure of the species . I have also gained a couple after review of the photos that I do have and as my knowledge base of species increases . Locally common names, e.g., bonito instead of false albacore, etc., did lead to some misidentifications which I believe that I have corrected. Lately been using some INaturalist folks as reviewers for some species. Helped me split what I thought were all golden redhorse suckers and added the silver redhorse to the list.
  20. If you do catch black Bullheads, PM me if you're willing. I need to check that species off my Genus completion quest . I can swap with details about where to find some yellows not terribly far from you.
  21. Johnsfolly

    Ho Ho Ho

    We know a rehabilitator in PA that mentioned that nearly all great horned owls they worked on would smell like skunks. Seems to be a favorite prey species. The brain of a GH owl is small. Smaller than their eyes.. The olfactory lobe is very small especially in regards to their visual and auditory portions of their brains. So they really just don't smell the skunks.
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