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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. I find the street view is hit or miss most of the time in rural areas. I will use it if that function is there for the spots that I am looking to try to fish. Lately I will identify four or more likely spots using the map features mentioned then will get eyes on the three most promising ones first when I travel to thay area. If none of those don't pan out, I'll will look at the others. Usually at least one will be fishable.
  2. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Pasta looks good RPS but that avocado is intriguing. Gonna have to try that. We love avocado and balsamic.
  3. Congrats guys! Topwater is my favorite way to catch most fish for the pure excitement. Cool double. Have to be in some aggressive fish to get both hooked😀. I've seen it first hand but haven't caught one myself. Hope you can get out again. Looking forward to more reports.
  4. I've been in quite a few that did have gators. Was nice to not have to speed reel in the fish to keep them away from a gator😀.
  5. Was definitely pretty unexpected for that area. A gem amongst the melon and corn fields of Delaware.
  6. who makes the wounded duckling topwaters? I used to have a hula popper that looked like a blackbird😀.
  7. We have to enjoy the journey as much as the success. Still want to catch those guys and will just have to keep trying .
  8. I love the one of Monk. That was very funny!
  9. The title is in tribute to @Mitch f to post a trip that I did not meet the target expectations of the trip. I have been researching places near Maryland that I could try to catch a couple of uncommon or rare species, the banded and black banded sunfish. I found an area in Delaware where both species have been collected in the past. I don't know when those collections took place, but since these areas had both at one time they were good targets for me to make a trip and see what I could catch. It also just so happens that Livie was staying a drama camp in the heart to this same area. I scouted out the outfall of Trussum Pond, which is supposed to be the northernmost stand of native cypress trees in the country. The water was low and clear in the creek and I could see a number of turtles as well as a variety of fish. I went back the next Saturday and found the water was rushing over the dam and the creek was running fast. I was there and would give it a try regardless. I rigged a #18 hook and a split shot about 9 inches above the hook. Put on small piece of worm. I fished the edges of the pond that I could reach from the bank. Nothing. I went down to the stream and got into an old growth cypress wetland. Water was moving faster than I liked, but I dropped my bait in eddies, behind cypress trees, and around brush. I tried any spot that had some slower water. I caught my first fish at one spot where a laydown restricted the flow at a side stream off of the main creek. It was the right size, but was just a bluegill. I dropped my bait in front of the same laydown and had a heavy bite just to land a roughed up bluegill. I caught two more and moved to another spot. Just more of the same, a few bluegill and nothing else. This nice male at least was a decent consolation prize. I headed back upstream and saw some topminnows and tried for them with my #26 tanago hooks. They spooked whenever I put a bait near them. No luck. I went to a different location and my first fish was a dark sunfish. Thinking that I may have caught a banded sunfish. Turned out to be a green sunfish. I caught a few other green and several bluegill. So I ultimately left with my tail between my legs and will have to try that area again. Maybe a kayak would help me fish the pond more effectively. My last image from that trip was this white cardinal flower. I saw a few of the typical red versions but this was the first white that I have ever seen.
  10. Has anyone tried to get those boatside browns to commit with a figure eight like you do for Musky? I would love to throw a 6 to 8 inch rainbow trout plastic swimbait to those browns.
  11. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    With that flat top I foresee a new job as a short order cook in your future😀.
  12. I have liked most of his movies. Hopefully he is not as frenetic as he has been in previous movies. I will say the trailers are intriguing. Probably be out of theaters before I make a decision or have the time to see it. Ticket prices (we only do the matinees by the way) aren't as high but concession prices are nearly as bad as sporting events 😒.
  13. @Ryan Miloshewski you did hijack your own thread. Well done sir! Well done😀! Ok quotes from one of my guilty pleasure films (and not an adult film). Can anyone guess the film? It's an 88 magnum. It shoots through schools. You shouldn't hang me on a hook Johnny. My dad hung me on a hook once...Once! It sure would be good to see mom spit again. So what is it that you can't you tell your mom. I know, you want to have sex. Ba Boom Ba Boom! Tear down that wall, tear down that wall and tear down that fargin wall! It has Michael Keaton, Joe Piscopo, Peter Boyle, Marylou Henner and the skipper Alan Hale.
  14. My top or at the very least second most favorite skit is the Four Yorkshire men recanting how hard their lives were as kids. Hilarious! A must see.
  15. If you are thinking about making the tournaments with jigs. You could set the rules such that folks can fish bait only if they use circles hooks. Not sure how easy that would be to enforce. Possibly deductions for dead fish or any found with a deep hook.
  16. Too shallow. Thought that the larger creek would have been the deal in catching sunfish and bass and even a kentucky spotted bass. But no😌! I never seem to have time to really explore an area.
  17. Livie loves the crowds answers to the what are other things that float? "Very small rocks" "Churches!" "So if she weighs the same as a duck. She is made of wood...aannd She's A WITCH!!!! And what do we do with witches?!? We BURN them!!!"
  18. Myself and my family are constantly quoting lines from the Holy Grail! (note that theses lines may have been Follfied ) "What are you going to do?!? Bleed on ME?!?" "What is the average air speed velocity of an unladened swallow?!? What do you mean? African or European swallow? Oh I don't know... ARRGGHHHH!!!" "I don't think that he would be very keen on it..He already has one you see! He already has one?!? Oh yes it is veery nice!" Is there anyone else up there that we could talk to?" "I'm not dead. I'm getting better! You'll be stone dead in a moment! I don't want to go on the cart. Don't be such a baby! I think that I will go for a walk! You're not fooling anyone you know.I feel happy I feel happy!!!...WHACK!
  19. Wow what a great trip! congrats on some great walleye CATCHING!
  20. Fishing on a Weds usually fishes as well as a low pressure system . Congrats to you guys on getting out an making memories when you can! Also @LittleRedFisherman congrats on that PB walter! Did you take her to dinner or let her go?
  21. We were taking our son and his family from Virginia to Missouri after he graduated from his AIT training at Fort Eustis. Our trip would run through Kentucky and I made reservations in Morehead Kentucky for a hotel and identified a small lake and several access points on a few creeks to get a KY fish. Since we wanted to get to the hotel, I pushed off going to Walmart until Sunday morning. Had to wait for a manager to get in at 7 am to get my license and went to explore the creek that I noticed next to the store. I noted a couple of pull off spots, but also found a small feeder creek. I figured that my best bet in catching something new would be in that creek. I drove upstream and found a crossing with a couple of pools and a few larger minnows. Got the microrig ready and baited with a small piece of redworm. These fish were very skittish and I had to keep the road crossing between the fish and myself in order to get bites. I caught one straight away – My first fish in Kentucky (27th state in which I have caught a fish ). Looked very closely to determine species and looked very much like a creek chub . I caught a larger one and the head and mouth as well as the dark spot at the base of the dorsal fin confirmed that I was likely just catching creek chub. I found that this species in Kentucky is like in many places fairly common in its distribution. I hiked along upstream poking my bait into any cover or holes within the rocks hoping for a sculpin or some darters. I never found any within the time window that I allotted for this trip. It was a nice little creek. Lots of chubs, but maybe not many other species at least not in the section that I fished . I tried the larger creek and though it looked fishy, I only caught the interest of a small (actually micro ) bass. Never hooked it. All in all not a bad restful stop in the middle of a long trip back to Missouri.
  22. I have always enjoyed the photo essays. They tell the story as well as or better than the text. Everyone should do what they enjoy. That's why they are hobbies.
  23. Congrats Ham! Enjoyed seeing the preview all day long helped me get through that crappy week back in Columbia. Like DJ I would have loved to see it all in person. Maybe later this year or next if I can get back that way.
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