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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Livie 16) Flier, Centrarchus micropterus. This is her PB and will be tough one to beat. One of three target species for the day along with fallfish (caught) and warmouth (none seen). I lost one close to this size but it broke off when I beached it with my 2# line .
  2. JF 17) Rosyside dace, Clinostomus funduloides. My nicest was a breeding male (photos of same fish)
  3. Livie 15) Rosyside dace, Clinostomus funduloides. While Livie was putting on the microhooks we used to catch the mudminnows, I found a pool with lots of minnows. I was using a standard trout magnet jig with worm, but could not hook these minnows. Had to put on a TM minijig hook with worm to catch them. Livie caught the first one and said that she thought that they were a bleeding shiner.
  4. JF 16) Eastern Mudminnow, Umbra pygmea and a lifer for me as well 👍! 2nd one
  5. Livie 14) Eastern Mudminnow, Umbra pygmea and a lifer. Livie scouted out the creek downstream from where we were catching the fallfish and found a small pool with what she thought were darters. Actually much better than darters since this was a species that were found throughout our area but not locally abundant making it hit or miss to find them. Serendipity for sure today !
  6. Livie 13) Fallfish, probably her PB for this species. Also on White/Chartreuse TM
  7. JF 15) Fallfish, Semotilus corporalis, related to Creek Chubs and the first of many today on white/chartreuse trout magnet
  8. Bring on Chevy Chase🤣
  9. Same with this one😅 1_5091744821022818726_1857562356171.mp4
  10. 4_5956514336926076006_1190109119110.mp4 Sorry Jeff still don't want to access politics forum but this was too funny not to add here. Delete if needed. 4_5956514336926076006_1190109119110.mp4
  11. I thought one of the perks about flyfishing was getting in touch with nature 🤣🤣
  12. 14) Redear sunfish Lepomis microlophus
  13. b40ea48bf5d09f64c57f2504624aa685.mp4
  14. I looked at the address from when I lived in CT in high school and the old house was replaced by a mansion. In that town there was a 2 acre lot ordinance. Pretty sure they got a sweet deal on that property for a smallish house for the lot
  15. Nice chunky smallie @rps!
  16. Happy times....Happy times! 🤣
  17. Part of that issue is on us the consumer. Have to get the new and improved or else we get complacent and not buy new products. My favorite are changes only to packaging and it's marketed as "New Look"! Wow that packing is so nice the product should be worth paying an extra 50 cents🤔
  18. Used to play Joust some. Liked Centipede and Galaga a it more. Tempest was a lot of fun. Do you guys ever play Crazy Climber? Wasn't found in too many places. My cousin and I would ride bikes four miles each way to go to an Italian pizza sandwich restaurant to play that game. I have no idea why they let us just play the game without buying any food. Had a lot of fun playing that game.
  19. I think that he is referring to the location of the tree not the water level. Could be wrong
  20. Having been kicked in the nuts, this seems logical to me 👍👍. Now I wish that I had a beer to help with that painful memory .
  21. These should be poster candidates as to why folks need to understand math especially trigonometry 🤣.
  22. We've caught a few each of the last couple of years. Fairly common around here. White catfish are much more common of the bullhead species at least in the waters that we have been fishing. Supposed to be some yellow bullheads around here as well but we haven't caught them here yet. We don't spend a lot of time targeting catfish, but will get them when bottom fishing for other species. Still need to catch channel and blue catfish for this year. Will be coming soon I'm sure. My wife caught one channel yesterday.
  23. I know that you could go to the old spillway below Wappapello lake and catch them easily on your microjigs. Sorry I know that this is not close to St Louis.
  24. I had to cancel my planned trip out to MO/AR this week due to this high water. All the creeks and rivers that I wanted to fish are running high. Some up to 10 feet above normal for this time of year . I had planned a couple of trips out that way to catch those common species that I can't find out this way. Now I am getting crunched into a possible run and gun trip to hit all those spots in May/June instead of a couple of more relaxing trips.
  25. Livie 12) Brown Bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus.
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