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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Awesome adventure, great scenery, and great fish! Thanks for taking us along buddy! Maybe next time some of us will actually get an invite !
  2. Awesome trip buddy! Congrats on that topwater bite! Nice striped shiner.
  3. Congrats on a very nice hybrid as well as putting up serious numbers of caught fish! Willing to let us know what you were fishing, topwater, cranks, jigs, etc.?
  4. Hope that you can figure them out RPS! Would love to see some walleye reports again😀.
  5. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Can't wait to see that brisket Mitch! I really haven't done much with that cut of meat. Have to give it a try.
  6. Congrats on finding and catching some fish! I know some spots on the upper Current river where I'm sure that the brown trout would tear up a ned rig. Just can't fish that bait in those areas😟.
  7. That's a great highlight for sure! Congrats to you both!
  8. I may try to figure out what you caught. Not expecting much though, but we'll see.
  9. I think that he may have shut down his internet service to buy more cast iron pans😅!
  10. So do you start the filets at the tail and throw out the torso ?!?
  11. Do you have a photo? I would love to see it. If no photo, what did it look like?
  12. @Quillback those were probably humpback whales. They are the most common whales that do the bubblenetting trick to eat the herring. Haven't seen that myself. Would be pretty cool sight.
  13. I dont think that he hunts or fishes anymore 😱! Heard that he has taken it upon himself to replant american chestnuts across the U.S. kind of a modern day Marty Chestnut seed😀! I could be mistaken😌.
  14. Ok snapper story. As kids my brother and I caught a decent sized snapper and took it home. At our house you could keep animals if you could get them to eat. No luck with this snapper. So it had to go. Instead of dragging way back to the lake where we caught it, we took it to a couple of ponds across the highway. Well these were private ponds and the owner raised exotic waterfowl and had big brook trout in the spring creek feeding these ponds. Did not deter us from releasing a nasty predator into the pond. We dumped the turtle. It swam away deeper than we could see it. There was a wood duck with three ducklings swimming in the pond. Not long after we saw the last of the turtle one of the ducklings disappeared😌. Oops!
  15. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Sounds fantastic. Reading this had my stomach growling and my mouth water a bit😀.
  16. I've caught small snapping turtles. The largest turtle was a loggerhead sea turtle off the beach in Jupiter FL. Before I saw the turtle my rod would lunge lunge lunge then break. Then repeated until I pulled it into the surf zone. Once in the surf it opened its mouth and spit the bait😌. Thank goodness it never had the hook set and was just kept its mouth closed. Still in FL I fished a drainage slough with 3 inch sluggos. Nearly stepped on a small gator. It swam off. I was fishing that sluggo and the gator ate the bait. It had its head up and it was "chewing" the bait. Once it opened its mouth again I tried to flip out the bait which set the hook in its tongue😟. Not much of a fight. Came in like a towel. About 4 lomg. I snapped the line once I got it near the bank.
  17. Caught this guy on Saturday 😀.
  18. That was funny. I don't care who you are !
  19. Pretty little non-native brown trout! About the size of those "trophy native trout" @BilletHead catches !
  20. Very nice. I would venture to say that this is a red spot chub based upon where you caught it. Here is my most impressive hornyheard chub. Almost 11 inches and just showing his breeding prowess. My largest red spot from Indian Creek.
  21. FishNDave in Southwest MO it seems to me that there are three distinct river systems that influence the species found in the creeks and rivers in that area. North/Northeast flowing rivers and creeks tend to end up in the Missouri river system. South/Southeast flowing creeks are likely part of the White river system at least around Springfield area. I don't consider rivers (e.g., 11 pt, current, etc.) east of the North fork of the white river to be in the southwest portion of the state. South/West/Southwest flowing creeks end up in the Arkansas river system. The Elk and Spring rivers and their tributaries flow west/Southwest. So those creeks have the red spot chub. Bryant creek runs into the North Fork of the white river. So that fish should be a hornyhead chub.
  22. I catch them on natural colored (olive, pumpkin green, brown, etc.) wooly buggers and plastic crappie style jigs like crappie sliders with a chartreuse paddletail. they bite well and are also scrappy fighters for their size.
  23. I would do and have done the same thing and tried to get them into deeper water if possible. It's hard to think about trying to get them all out. I have a situation like that here in Maryland where there is an isolated pool from when the creek flooded that is way outside of what seems to be the normal channel. This pool may no longer get water until the next flooding event. I'm thinking about catching as many as I can and get them back into the main creek.
  24. I've caught them on marabou jigs and microjigs. Those fish bit the baits and not just got snagged like ones that I have caught throwing jerkbaits for trout in shallow water.
  25. It seems to me that the males have the spot and it's more prevalent during the spawn. Yours looks to have some tubercles on his head as well. There is another chub species like the hornyhead, the red spot chub, that looks just like the hornyhead that is near @chucknduck found in the southwest Missouri streams on the other side of the White river system. I have caught them in Indian creek a tributary of the Elk river and in the Spring river north of Stott's city MO.
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