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Everything posted by m&m

  1. QB, you had a better day than I did up there. I finally was able to get out. I launched from Big M and saw your truck and trailer already parked. I didn’t get on the water until 9:30 and went on a tour to see the color and water temps. Pulled out at 2:30. Stopped to fish a couple of spots and finally caught a KY on a ned. I found some 51.2 water in one of the large creeks in the afternoon. That was me sitting on the main lake point near pt. 25 around 1:10 pm when you were coming down the lake and turned around. Lots of fish were staging. Mike
  2. Phil, thanks for the interesting read. If I read it correctly, the electro-shocking doesn’t work well below 7 feet. Mike
  3. Champ, I agree with that. I looked but it appears they aren’t on the market until after the classic. I’ll order some because I do like the other baits they produce. Mike
  4. QB, I read their press release and I think it said they did their best to make it float as much as possible. Rather than saying if floats. So....... I use their other plastics but this is their first try at a plastic that floats. I do like the tail though Mike
  5. My prayers and thoughts go out to Bruce’s family. Mike
  6. Bill, thanks for the information. Anyone out in Saturday’s wind deserves a tip of the hat and a visit to the shrink. We went over the 13 bridge in the afternoon and the rollers were huge. Mike
  7. QB, reading your recent posts, I expect to see 4 rods on your deck all rigged with Neds. Hard to put that little one down. It is a fish catching lure for sure. Nice pictures. Mike
  8. Our prayers are with 176 and his family. Mike
  9. QB, thanks for the information. I just got my boat back from Ulrich in time for the upcoming cold spell. Looks like I’m gonna wait it out for the next 10 days or so and will live vicariously through you and others who venture out regardless of the conditions. Great picture of a healthy bass. Mike
  10. Quill and Bo, thanks for the tip about braid on a Ned Rig. I was thinking about doing it this year. You’ve given me ideas on color and size. I do not use a leader on anything except a C-rig. I figure if the A-rig wires don’t scare a fish from biting, braid certainly won’t either. One less knot I have to worry about. My boat is at Ulrich for a spring checkup so it gives me time to organize my tackle, service my reels and change line. I totally agree about the stable weather too. Bring it on! Mike
  11. My son tells me that the young guns are so in tune with their electronics that they don’t cast as much as us old guys. Many of them have 4 - 15” screens for their electronics and because of their experience with video games and computers, they can cast to the fish’s mouth. Mike
  12. David, Great Pictures of healthy bass. Congratulations. Mike
  13. Thanks hunter Mike
  14. Is the BPT on a cable tv channel or do you have to watch it on the internet? Mike
  15. bobby, I have a consulting business so I wanted unlimited internet. We pay $150.00 a month for unlimited and it is at 30mbs download speed. We get the buffering thing also for about 10 seconds when we down load a movie. Been very happy with the service. Mike
  16. I’m by the dam and use Viastat. It is a satellite service but it is pretty fast for rural areas. Mike
  17. Dock, good looking fish. Mike
  18. I agree with abk, the reason it is hard for me to catch fish is not my fault. Nature is against me. And there is at least one very productive cove that is restricted. I guess that is why it should be called casting instead of fishing. Sounds better too. “I went out today and made 1,200 casts.” Instead of “I went out today and caught 3 fish with 1 keeper.” At least now I know it is not just my ability. Nature is my foe. Mike
  19. I’ve got the plates, plastic ware, and napkins plus I’ll bring an extra 6’ table. Mike
  20. I’m just not that mad at them right now. Mike
  21. m&m


    DGR57, welcome to the forum. Great group of people on this forum willing to share. Mike
  22. Fat smallmouth for sure. Mike
  23. Sprint, thanks for the information. 3 hours and 6 keepers sounds like a fun time. Mike
  24. Quill, fat spot. Thanks for the information. Mike
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