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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. Bridgeport is a good place to stay away from this time of year until the end of spoonbill season anyway, that place will be busy 24/7.
  2. Seems there is only 1 of my 5 guy's fishing this tournament and he came in 5th today....lmao
  3. Got my picks in..don't know who i picked, i just closed my eyes in each section and clicked on a name.
  4. New Lowrance coming out a carbon HDS 40.
  5. But But there are no fish up there..
  6. I have been up past there fishing several times...if it is the boat ramp at Flat Creek inn.
  7. Got my second rod done all but the epoxy on threads 7 footer 4-8 pound test line 1/16 - 5/16 lure weight spinning MHX rod blank. The white rod, the orange one was first one i did.
  8. The only other free boat ramp i know of is Shell Knob boat ramp.
  9. Kimberling City and it's owned by Kimberling City and they charge 5 bucks and if you put in at any of the parks like Big M Aunts Creek and so forth it's 5 bucks.
  10. The south ramp or neighbor hood ramp is the better ramp than the north ramp, the private dock has a locked gate on it anyway and you have marked parking spots and have to back into the parking spot don't pull into the parking spot or you will here about it...lol
  11. Saw 3 of them wake boats getting fuel at the gas station and i asked where they where going and they said to Eagle Rock and BigM area for tomorrow.. Good luck and be safe..
  12. I redid my carpet last year so i'm ahead of you and i put a new transom in it 2 years ago...
  13. Be safe and good luck to all!! I'll be installing much needed new seats in my boat tomorrow, seats in it are only 29 years old. they just don't make things to last....lol
  14. 12lb mono green triliene on everything..
  15. Go here and you can find all the tourney's on all lakes in Missouri...just select the lake , month and year.. https://www.mshp.dps.missouri.gov/WP04Web/app/searchRegattaWeb?action=Search+Again
  16. Sun shined here most of the day, but we had 20 to 40 mph winds all day and was 45 degrees with a feels like 34 degrees and no snow.
  17. The gears and such are made in Asia and the units are assembled in Oldsmar Florida.
  18. Bamboo pole?..i use to have a bamboo deep sea fishing pole that was stolen out of my garage when i was a kid. I may have access to some real bamboo im sure if i ask the owner, would be neat to build one.
  19. Thanks for the report Quill!! I was wanting to go out today but been working on daughters car instead.
  20. Well if i find a GOOD transmission guy i will send him your way.
  21. Thanks for the tip AL... i have been wrapping 6 times before i pull thread thru and then i lay razor blade flat on the threads and pull loose end into razor blade, but i like your idea better.
  22. It say on the tubes 70 - 80 degrees working temperatures and i had house at 70 so that was also an issue im sure. Im not a fan of cork grips because of my oily hands and the cork seems to get dirty easily from my hands, transmission fluid soaks into the skin...lol
  23. I don't have nubs i have drips, i use a razor blade and then run branishing tool over it. I just ordered MHX blank kit 4-8 pound line full grip EVA foam, cork is 17 bucks more.
  24. Here's a read of the differences between flooded and AGM. http://www.enginelabs.com/news/look-inside-batteries-difference-lead-acid-agm/
  25. I turn 65 in December..
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