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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. I bet all the accessible boat ramps are hoping today...
  2. Thanks to all the people that have fought for our freedom and the people that keep us safe from day to day....
  3. These where from around Branson Kimberling City area
  4. Looks like lake level is on the rise again....more rain forecasted for tonight...
  5. Kimberling City has gotten over 5 inches of rain so far
  6. When will it end, with all the rain and storms we have been getting and by the looks of it most of next week is more rain coming...Power outages all over Missouri and big hail also, one guy posted a picture if a hail stone and it covered pretty much his whole hand, high winds 60+ mph.....Everyone be careful out there and be safe..
  7. Had one PWC jerk buzz me at about 20 ft., watched him go up the lake doing likewise to every fisherman working a point. Ya gotta love the holiday crowd. This is why i stay off the water on the weekends and holidays...i do have some 1ounce and 2 ounce sinkers.....lol Thanks for report..
  8. Thanks for report!! I saw several tuna rigs headed down to lake yesterday......Be careful out there..
  9. I heard that Lost Hills was also called copperhead island...
  10. Im glad i have my snake boots on as the snakes are getting thick in here...
  11. Water must of cleared up then some, when i was out messing around last week you couldnt see your lure in 8 inches of water and it was dirtier over by lost hill area but did get cleaner as you went towards Campbell point. It was sort of a circus last week as i was waiting to take the boat out of water... Thanks for report!!
  12. Water level is back up to 928.88..by tomorrow morning it will be 929..
  13. Helix 7 DI....is the sonar screen like this because of all the dirt and mud in the water?....i have tried to turn down sensitivity and changed from 455mhz to 800mhz and i still get the same picture thats on top...
  14. Im afraid to sign out...dont know who i may come back as...lol
  15. Deadstream checking in. Am I still 176 Champion?
  16. No registration required on guns...If you inherited it use it in good health.........if you buy a gun from a gun shop you will have to fill out a NCIS paper for a background check before they sell you the gun, other than that no registration required .
  17. Wow ..i would not of thought it was that high.....i put in at Shell Knob yesterday and half of the parking lot is under water.....and now we getting more rain...ugh...
  18. Thanks for the report!! Nice catch.. Hows the boat ramp there at BIG M
  19. It's a lot of work being a site administrator...been there done that...and when something like this happens it's a PITA to figure out sometimes..... *note* this is the real 176champ.
  20. This is funny...lol
  21. Deadstream shows up as 176 champion.
  22. The storm that went thru here last night has taken out a bunch of boat docks in a cove southeast of shell knob bridge last night.
  23. Thanks for the report!! I put in at Shell Knob ramp at about 4pm..went towards Kings river side by Lost Hill and there was debris everywhere and water visibility was maybe 12 inches..i saw water temps from 75 degrees to 83 degrees...Less debris floating on the west side of bridge towards Campbell point water was about as dirty. Big boats where out today also. I guess no one works around here anymore...lol
  24. From what i understand it is as they had a tournament out of there Saturday, but i was told you going to get your feet wet, what ever that means...lol
  25. Wish they had a trolly at Ruark to take you up to top of ramp...it's rough on us out shape old guy's....lol
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