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MObassin95 last won the day on July 19 2023

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About MObassin95

  • Birthday 10/06/1995

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    Fishing, camping, working out and basketball!

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Brown Bullhead

Brown Bullhead (12/89)



  1. I know Spotted Bass are definitely a problem in some rivers in the Ozarks. That’s super fascinating that from the outside they may look 100% smallie but actually be a hybrid.
  2. Thanks for sharing! I’ve always wanted to check the St Francis out. I’m just not sure it’s worth the drive from Republic. But I’ve seen pictures of good fish coming out of it.
  3. Just use an outfitter and rent some kayaks or canoes. It is absolutely worth the money. War Eagle Outfitters in Arkansas is a good one to use. War Eagle creek fishes pretty well in early spring.
  4. Very good post. It’s not the 1900s anymore. We know that Mountain Lions don’t want much to do with us and will avoid us at all possible. I’d be much more scared if I saw a stray pit bull wondering my suburban neighborhood as opposed to if I saw a Mountain Lion in Mark Twain National Forest.
  5. No way you just compared lightening to Mountain Lions 😂 You’ve gotta be trolling me. By your own logic, the hunter should have just moved away from the Mountain Lion! Ignorance is bliss man. Do everyone a favor and stop commenting on this topic.
  6. You have a higher chance of being struck by lightening than being killed by a Mountain Lion. Hell, you have a higher chance of being killed by a dog than a Mountain Lion. Mountain Lions pose very little threat to us. I can’t believe this still has to be explained in 2024.
  7. I fished the Osage Fork this summer. Can't remember where I waded, but I wasn't super impressed with the scenery. The fishing was decent though! Definitely some good Smallmouth water where I waded.
  8. Just an awful waste. Not like he was going to eat it. Sad.
  9. Neosho is a strain of smallmouth. But I also read somewhere that they introduced Tennessee strain smallmouth into Tenkiller Lake, so is inevitable that some of them made it up to the Illinois and crossbred with the Neosho.
  10. Thank you! Where is 14 mile creek? Any public accesses?
  11. Hey all! I hope your summer has been filled with big smallmouth. My brother in law and I are wanting to explore the upper Illinois River in Oklahoma because we've heard there are some big smallmouth in there. But, specific information on it is tough to come by. So I thought I would turn here. I'm not looking for any honey holes or secret lures, but any guidance for the upper Illinois would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  12. Hopefully they don’t make it in any rivers!
  13. Oh shoot you’re right my bad
  14. Nice! I like the stretch from Wilson’s Creek confluence to Delaware Town.
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