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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. Oh man thx! I’ve wanted them but kept telling myself I’ve got enough cranks already😆
  2. I Never put them away. Just change depth and colors.
  3. Beaker 😆
  4. Cold is a good excuse to go to FL in February!!!!
  5. After reading this post I finally sold my pond prowler on FB. I hadn't used it in 3 years. All the lakes and ponds I used to go to are overrun now and the fishing in them isn't what it was. All in with troller, seats and battery I was at $900.00. Used it for 15 years and sold it for 650.00. The guy didn't have a truck but wanted it badly. I told him if he came by and paid me I would deliver it. He was so happy it was unbelievable really. I kind of had regrets while following him to his house since I've had one for 40 years at least. But his happiness and gratitude made up for it. I wish him well.
  6. Actually I think people these days are more careful than previously. Everyone I know, including my adult children either Uber or hire out a company to haul them around. My buddies at the lake hire "captains" to pilot their boats so they can party. Not saying everyone does it but the smart ones do.
  7. Wasn't there talk of this before? Why would it dry up?
  8. That might be an exaggeration 😆
  9. Ivermectin with Fenben/Menben. Some people are taking it in conjunction with chemo. Check out Dr William Makis MD.
  10. TN and SC are in the mix.....
  11. I've built two homes and Bradford's were offered the same way. The first time I took them. In this house (built in 2002) I declined and so did everyone else here.
  12. You should see the clear cutting on the upper Meramec. Whole hillsides bull dozed for a better “view”. Giant mud plumes downstream after a rain.
  13. I haven’t had any luck with it the past couple years.
  14. It is Kansas though right?? 😆
  15. We went in the winter a couple years ago. The “smoke” in the mountains was unbelievable.
  16. I was not complaining. I hope you didn't take that way. I really appreciate the APP! THX!.
  17. But the App doesn't show previous generation.??? It might say 100 MW at 7 AM but it doesn't mean that's what was running.
  18. Besides that, you can see where they "hooked up". That's tough on any vehicle.
  19. That's what I see the most. They really tear it up.
  20. Back in the 70’s when I was a teenager we stream hopped all the time. Fishing was way better than anything today. Yeah, we got kicked out of some but a few we were able to go to over and over. We never partied or left a mess. We just wanted to fish.
  21. I'm bitter and I wasn't even there.... 😆 I'm going to TN the end of the month. Maybe those fish will cooperate...
  22. If you float farther upstream like around Steelville it's not very big. If I can do it anybody can do it.
  23. Not even the winner comes out ahead in a lawsuit. Lawyers do....
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