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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. Yeah SmallieB We used to tie string to the legs of june bugs and fly them around. Good stuff. Pete
  2. When I was just a piker I must have shot hundreds with my old Benjamin pellet gun. I was sitting out back the other night and whacked a dozen or so. Ran out of rabbits. I told you guys everyone needs a little sport in life. The golf course pond had em buzzing all over the surface and not a one was taken by a fish. I need to go fishing.... Pete
  3. Had a couple beers and shot a dozen or so with the pellet gun. Great summer time fun in America. SIO3
  4. Yeah that's it. Set them up between the spillway dam and the main bridge on the office side. You can't miss it. Weaver's site. http://www.missouritrout.com/weavers/report.html Have fun, Pete
  5. Get em set up right below the spillway dam. Plenty of room, gradual slope and lots of fish. My dad started me there, I started my kids there and in a couple years I'll get my grandson going there. It's funny how a little kid waving a fly rod around can clear an area pretty quick. Weavers fly shop has a report every week and they'll hook you up with the fly of the day. Can't go wrong with eggs and worms though. Good luck Pete
  6. I was just looking at the graph for The white and it looks like they have shut down some of the gates? SIO3
  7. 2 units on Norfork is a lot faster than 8 on the White. The Norfork can get hairy on 2 units pretty quick, especially below Long Hole. 8 on The White is pretty benign. In fact, the marinas would rather have 8 units than 2 for rentals. Call Gary Flippin at Rim Shoals Resort for some very reliable advice from a White River veteran. SIO3
  8. Can't beat srimps in the surf any where in FLA. Johnson spoons in gold or silver work pretty wll too. Saw a guy catch a pretty good shark in the bay behind Captive Island on a BBQ'd chicken leg. SIO3
  9. Yep, and he cranks it down the middle.... In my best Elvis voice. Thank you, thank you very much Pete
  10. Make a tee time time and call it good..... Pete
  11. Yeah, he said he was getting married.....
  12. Good news Phill!! That should help Tablerock. Pete
  13. Any loop is about as good as any other. Although if you go to #4 you are closer to the end of the park boundary. The place is absolutely infested with skunks though. Keep your trash high and eyes open at night. They are really bold down there. Give us a report when you get back, please. Pete
  14. Meramec sucks, there are no fish at Busch and for gosh sakes you should all sell your fly rods and go back to where you came from. Pete
  15. There's always golf........ I'm playing at 10 AM Saturday. Pete
  16. NICE ONE!!! Self guided or did you use some local talent to row the boat? Pete
  17. I'm all over that!! Good luck at the O. Pete
  18. Hey SmallieB My neighbor fishes alot of tourneys down there and he has been whackin em on jigs for tha past couple weeks. He has won quite a few this year and they report them on 7/24 outdoors or something like that. The fisherman lie about tactics in the reports though. I love fisherman. One of my good friends lives down there and reports jigs also. I love the Big O too. Good luck. Pete
  19. WOW!! Okay, so they CAN move it but at what cost, I see. Thanks. Pete
  20. I guess what I'm getting at is, can the water coming into the lake exceed what can be dumped by the dam? Heck, Beaver is dumping 34k CFS into Tablerock without considering what's coming in from the rivers and streams. Tablerock is pumping 53k CFS so that's only drawing off ~20k. The James and Kings alone could add 20k CFS easily. What is the max cfs the dam can move? Pete
  21. Thanks Wayne I'm just trying to get a handle on both sides before making any decisions about it. Pete
  22. My question has always been. Is there a posibility that more water is coming into the system than can be let out? Pete
  23. Please elaborate Wayne.. I saw the list of "lubricants" used and I wouldn't want those anywhere near a watershed. Pete
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