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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. Hey Larry Does anyone down there rent pontoons? SIO3
  2. It can be done, but you will have to drag it some areas like the end of Long Hole, Ace in the Hole and probably up near the ramp at the dam. Depends on your drift boat too. A heavy, high sided aluminum boat will have to be dragged more than a fiberglass low rider. This info was relayed to me from someone who has floated it in a driftboat for a trip we were going to take a couple months ago. We went to Taney instead. I've walked a large portion of the Norfork and floated it in a canoe, and I believe this info is correct. I've seen a lot of guys do it in one and two man pontoons. There is only one public put in and that's at the dam. Float 4.5 miles and take it out at the confluence with the White. The ramp is to the left when you get into the White River. Snagged
  3. Uh oh!! Folks, you better put your seats in their upright positions and buckle your belts tight. Can I put in for a trip with Trav in May on lower Taney? SIO3
  4. I sold a couple old reels and the Ross I was using. Made up all but a few bucks of the Litespeed. Snagged
  5. That really would have been scary Daddyo. SIO3
  6. Nice!!! I wish I lived closer, I'd be all over that. Sio3
  7. Thanks Larry Look at the previous post from Hotdawg. He said they came through twice that he saw. SIO3
  8. This coonass hopes the trophy will be residing in the Big Easy this year.
  9. Man Ducky I remember that. 3.2 beer on Sundays. We used to fish the slough on the road to the ferry at night too. I've fished that area near the old bridge. In fact one night we left my buddies car in that gravel lot right there and when we came back it had the tires flattened and the interior all cut up. We even caught eels out of that hole. Snagged
  10. 2 to 3 years ago there was massive fish kill on Dardenne near hwy K. That sewage plant dumped something in there and the fish were killed for miles downstream. They had pictures in a local paper around here and there were 1000's of dead fish piled up. Don't know if it's recovered, but I've often thought of fishing it, except it has high, steep, muddy banks. Judging by the dead fish photos it was loaded with fish. I just don't know where to fish it. Where did you fish Dardenne Ducky? I've caught carp at Creve Couer but no luck with bass. SIO3
  11. Man that's a nice one Pat!! Sherwood's got it made. Snagged Coming to a subdivision near you soon.
  12. Pat I'll leave south county to you and Sherwood. How about Creve Coeur Lake? I've taken my pond prowler out there twice and didn't catch squat. I've lived near it all my life and heard "stories", but that's it, "stories" BTW I was bass fishing. SIO3, coming to a subdivision pond near you and there are no fish at Busch.
  13. I think it closes Monday Feb 8th. Spinning equipment is fine. SIO3
  14. I've been kicked out of most ponds in the St.Charles county area. Sometimes nobody says a word and you can fish for a while. Maybe a couple days. Other times they are on you right away. I've never been threatened with calling the law, most people just want you out. I had a sweet little spot that was giving up nice fish until one day I pull in and there is a new "residents only" sign. I gave it whirl anyway figuring that if I looked like I belonged there, nobody would call me out. Wrong!!!! 2 casts and this old guy comes running. I even tried lying. I said I lived up in the other cul de sac and he said, oh yeah which house? I laughed it off and left. He yelled at me to never come back. I figure he had been watching me and was just waiting for the new sign to get put up. SIO3
  15. Litespeed here. Lightweight and smooth. I've never had any trouble. Besides that it looks cool. Isn't Paola Cat selling one on the Buy/sell forum? SIO3
  16. Yes we can expect it, but whether it happens is another story. We are very close to normal pool on all the lakes. Oh I remember the drought years when you could go fishing any time you wanted and there was very little generation. Kind of makes me want to cry. SIO3
  17. Hey Phil Were there other boats up at BS Dam with you? SIO3
  18. Thanks for the report. Sounds like a great time. If the big ones don't want to play, there is nothing better than a good dry fly bite. Snagged
  19. I forgot to add that toothpicks really helped. If you like menthol cigs buy peppermint picks, otherwise just get regular picks. They say a big part of the habit is what to do with your hands and mouth when you quit. Picks helped alot. SIO3
  20. Good report Phil. That was a tough morning with the trailer. I'm always worried when we pull something all the way from St. Louis. Any other boats up there with you at BS? Snagged
  21. I don't know about the E-cigs but I know what worked for me. I got divorced. After the judge screwed me, my lawyer took me to the bar. We sat and got drunk till closing. At the end of the night I lit my last cig and told the boys I quit. They laughed but I never smoked again. My ex got divorced 4 more times so maybe those boys quit to. I can get her number if anyone needs it. SIO3
  22. There's no fish at Busch anyway. SIO3
  23. The winner of that tourney will have earned it for sure. SIO3
  24. Thanks Laker Is there a hackle? Snagged
  25. I can tell you that the Litespeed reel is a gem. I have 3 and love them. Wish I could help you out Pcat. Good luck SIO3
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