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    Webb City

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Blue Catfish

Blue Catfish (9/89)



  1. Where is the best place to go snagging from the bank around LOZ? Thanks!
  2. 37.8 Friday close to the dam.
  3. Good luck liphunter! Hope you get em! let us know how you do.
  4. Well, made a poor choice. Put in at Roark at about 8:30am tried some crappie fishing. Caught a few shorts right off the bat. 30ft deep on brush. Then I thought I would really like to try for some Walleye. So I ran all the way up to the darn and started throwing jerk baits. About 10 min into it I look to the south and see what I though was fog. It wasn't fog. It was fairly heavy rain. I thought no big deal I have my rain gear in the boat. Went to get the rain gear out and, I had no rain pants! Fished for a long time in the rain until I couldn't take it any more. That was one miserable cold run back to Roark! Water temp was 37.8 - 38
  5. Anyone been finding any Crappie or walleye lately? if so what depths? I am headed up tomorrow.
  6. Yep, it Does!!
  7. https://www.joplinglobe.com/news/missouri-american-chooses-east-site-for-reservoir/article_5f184bc0-262a-11e9-9b5e-eb5216a381e5.html
  8. Went out by myself Sunday afternoon. Put in at Roark. Caught 6 Crappie. The back of Googer creek was totally iced up. The water around Roark was 38 degrees. Caught all fish on brush 20-30 fow. Wind made it tough to stay on the brush. Caught all on minnows. They wouldn't hit it without adding a chartreuse crappie nibble. Good luck everyone.
  9. Piranha ! They are in LOZ you know.
  10. My brother stays there about once a year. Hard to get reservations. Booked up like a year out.
  11. Yes. Primitive camping only.
  12. From what I have been hearing they are getting around some of the environmental hurdles by making it an Off stream lake. The small streams they will dam up don't always have water in them. Only flow during big rains, But who knows.
  13. Says the CO E is the permit holder. Not that they would build it. Guess I miss understood.
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