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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. Congratulations and best wishes on the next phase of your life Ed. Having spent a little time with you, I have no doubt you will be successful. I will be seeking your help sometime next year. Have already got a rather weak thumbs up from the wife. I took it. lol Talk to you down the road. Mike
  2. Are you okay? Did you fall and hit your head, or is that the Ensure talking? lolšŸ¤£
  3. liphunter


    Just from personal experience and observation. I think people as a general rule, with plenty of exceptions. A person is kind of what there exposed to in life. If a child is exposed to nothing more than wine coolers and wake boats, then that's probably what they think of when in comes to water and fun. So by all means, show them how to fish!
  4. In the MLF CUP there our are only four cups and a championship. They have been completed for the year and, if I am understanding things correctly, none were in Missouri.. On the BPT side of MLF. They fished fished Table Rock twice...
  5. šŸ§¹
  6. Wife had the day off yesterday and she wanted to go fishing. Just about fell down when she said that's what she wanted to do. So we went crappie fishing. Following others information, "thank you very much", I started hitting the brush piles over in the Little Sac arm. We had 16 keepers in about four hours on minnows. Depth was usually under 20 feet for the better bite for us. Really was a fun fishing trip. Caught enough to keep her interested. She gets bored with fishing easily. I know right!!!šŸ™‰ Anyway, we had to have a little picnic of course, and some minor sharing of feelings, but she is always great company, and the weather was just fantastic!!! Mike
  7. For anyone that is interested. Boyd Duckett is on BTL this morning talking about the merger and the format changes.
  8. Mlf has a letter of intent to acquire FLW. Looks like the merge is happening. Full story on the MLF web page... That is all...
  9. Well it wasn't me. lol The closest thing I have that looks like that currently, is a suit I got married in back in 82...
  10. Nice catch Jeff. Man you would have to be some kind of super dude to wear something like that. They don't just give those to anyone. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
  11. Does anyone know the status of the boat launch parking lot. Open? Closed? Somewhere in between? Thanks. Mike
  12. That's a good question. I would like to hear others peoples thoughts on that as well. I guess the rule of thumb, would be they would go deeper. But I am not sure of that. Mike
  13. liphunter


    Good luck today Ed. I'm going to give it a shot tomorrow.
  14. Yea, and that business about "it's easier to get forgiveness than permission" is not a 100% full proof šŸ™ˆšŸ™ŠšŸ™‰
  15. Bluetooth!!! Everything is better with Bluetooth!!!
  16. I always wanted to go smallmouth and walleye fishing up north somewhere. Maybe Canada. Clock is getting shorter. I should really get that done...
  17. LOL . Thanks Jeff. I just hope i'm not on camera when somebody decides to throw me overboard...
  18. Yea for real. It just kind of come together for me. All I know at the moment, is that I am supposed to go Boat Official training sometime late fall. It's not for everyone, but it's an experience I would like to have.
  19. I'm actually coming out of retirement for a few months. Currently I have an invitation to work for MLF for the 2020 season. So if they don't find cause to pull the invite. I am super jacked for this opportunity. On the road again!!!
  20. What's the horse power rating on that? I'm not quite at that level in my retirement yet, but I do believe in planning ahead!
  21. This just supports my fears of skinny dipping!!!
  22. Well, if given a choice. I think i'm going with just running off. That whole getting hit by a car thing sounds messed up
  23. Whit dooes hee meen by thit?
  24. I had a big Johnson years ago. Blew the head right off of it. That's when I switched to Merc.
  25. Outstanding selection in music. I would imagine even the fish would like that!!!
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