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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. Couldn't agree more. Now I want to talk about the Styrofoam mat I got from the packing in my new refrigerator, versus fishing out of a large storage tub? Go!!!
  2. Just wow!!!
  3. How effective is the Kietech or another swim bait for walleye?
  4. We have one of those too. Been catching him/her on the trail cam.
  5. I have taken a lot of Ibuprofen in my life and now more than ever. My concerns are that I was told that it is a gateway drug to Bengay. , Got to be careful. Won't be long before you folks in Arkansas can fire up your one hitters and laugh about getting skunked...
  6. Oh you've gone and done it now. Here come the Senate Hearings. Will be watching our favorites on C-SPAN now.
  7. I'll bring a variety of sodas. And maybe a nice Kale and Tofu dish the home makes me eat.
  8. Great!!! I’m in. I’m certainly open to pitching in. Whatever I can bring to help. If there is nothing specific? I’ll just wing it.
  9. Does being a registered OA member just mean your u have an account, or is it something more formal than that? I’m not really a tournament level fisherman, but it would be fun to meet some of you guys. Heck I’ll give ten dollars for a slice of smoked bologna!
  10. Well that is nothing more than "Flotation Segregation"!!! Where's Rosie O'Donnell when you need him???
  11. I would think you could find all the specs you needed online???
  12. That just hurst so much! 😭
  13. I grew up in a family with 13 kids. Cow patties were considered just a cheaper cut of beef! lol Of course we wouldn't touch a carp.
  14. I agree Dan. My federal prison therapist says I am doing much better, and the medication is helping to keep me under control...
  15. Thank goodness for the bargain bin. Or else, I would probably be on a needle point forum. 😏
  16. You can't have boat trouble, unless your blessed with a boat!!!
  17. I checked them out on Amazon. Seem ok. Apparently that company makes locks for everything known to man, women, and the gender fluid.
  18. Really nice Smallies. And the pics are really good. But a question about the phone. Mine is little older model. Do I take the crank out of the phone or leave it to in ? 😐
  19. Yea Devan, I guess in reality, it probably isn't a dip stick. But it was just something to call it. Mine looks like the very last pic. The translucent one. Thanks for your input... Mike
  20. Thanks guys. It's a flat piece of long plastic that serves no purpose other than to break and get in the way.
  21. Well you've got me there. I am only aware of one tank. It's a big one under the cowling. I did some research on the net. This seams to be a common problem.
  22. I have a 2012 115 hp Mercury Optimax 2 stroke. I noticed that the dip stick that attaches to to cap has broke off. Not sure why. Does anyone know if that is of any concern? I You can see right through the tank wall and see the oil.
  23. Wow, Fantastic!!! Good for you, that's really cool.
  24. Those are some beautiful Walleye. Would love a day like that. Glad you guys had a great day. Congrats!!!
  25. I would have picked up on it, but the mental picture of Dan shaving his wife back had me fogged up for a moment...
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