As I remember, the easiest way is to download the EasyGPS program from the internet (free) and transfer your files into it, then load the files onto your SD card for your unit. You may be able to direct load on to your unit from your computer with a USB cord??? Hope this helps.
Looks to me like the 2020 Y.C. is pretty weak. Too soon to see the '21 Y.C. those are probably 2-4 inches and many are still scattered and pelagic. We do have a good 2019 class to pick on though, blacks and whites.
Never was many in the 2018 Year class, and what there was from 2016, 2017 have pretty much hit the hot grease. Luckily, the 2019 YC s outstanding, with the whites reaching 10+" and blacks just under. I "think" the 2020 YC is decent from what I've seen.
Well, I guess the pattern is that the ramp is open on weekends and closed during the week. But, that is just speculation! To be sure call the COE office in Stockton. 417 276 3113
Many years ago my family was fishing on the river (before Stockton Lake) at Hulston Mill. It was about dark and we had a campfire going, when a cloud of mayflies came down the river. They were so thick that they flew into the campfire and nearly put it out! As I remember, it was over in just a few minutes.
North Mutton Ramp is open again, however, will probably close again soon. They have paved the sloped approach to the ramp and will be doing a chip and seal on the parking lot and road.
Good info.! Other factors influence when individual fish spawn. Turbidity will determine to some extent the depth at which the fish spawns or when the desirable temperature occurs at that depth. Photoperiod, fluctuations of temperature, rate of overall temperature increases......thus the range of spawning temperatures.
My better half and I were on the water from 8 To 3 pm out of Mutton. Ended with 8 keeper eyes, several shorts on the bottom in 18 to 20 ft. Also 3 keeper crappie and 25+ shorts. 1 channel cat, and a 8 pd. Carp that stripped a lot of drag. Beautiful day and lots of boats.
The crappie population at PDT certainly did an about face after the increased emphasis on habitat by MDC and COE in the early 2000's. Also the water level management plan, keeping water levels slightly higher and stable during the spawn increased recruitment.
I don't fish with minnows very often but when I do, I prefer shiners. Seems to me that I catch more on shiners than fathead (tuffies). "Tuffies" acquired that name because they are easier to keep alive, NOT because they are tough to beat!
Got on the lake at Mutton creek Sunday just to play with and adjust electronics. Ice pretty much gone except for around marina. Water temp 37.5 F. Found balls of shad and a few fish around them on the bottom in 35-40 ft. Nothing caught, Did not wet a line but ready to go!