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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by FishnDave

  1. Wow! Real Beauties!
  2. Wow! That is a really cool fish!!
  3. I would say....Mix it up. Not every fish needs to be big to be enjoyed. Look forward to catching a bigger fish once in awhile. Big fish are often a reward for having fished in the right place correctly in that moment.
  4. Caught some colorful Green Sunfish: And some naturally-occurring Hybrid Sunfish as well:
  5. Landed 5 Shortnose Gar. 3 biggest were nice ones.... 23", 25.5", and 26"!
  6. 3 little Channel Cats decided to hit flies as well.
  7. Caught 5 Grass Carp while flyfishing on Sunday. Largest one measured 31", ~ 12 lbs.
  8. That IS a good one! I've always thought they looked more similar to a crappie than anything else.... or maybe like a cross between a rock bass and crappie. They are high on my wish list to catch.
  9. Friendly serpent....swam straight across the water right to my feet. A few minutes later I saw it giving a dead carp a big hug. So kind. Then I thought, MAYBE the snake is trying to give the carp CPR. Just in case it was the latter, I phoned 911. They refused to send help, since neither the snake nor carp had insurance.
  10. Male and Female Eyetail Bowfin:
  11. Grass Carp and Freshwater Drum:
  12. 😁 Like stickers of companies that aren't our sponsors? 😅
  13. Also caught some big bluegills while in Iowa. A half-dozen or so were 10" or better, with the biggest one being 10.5". Also caught some bass.
  14. Went to Iowa this past weekend for my daughter's wedding. Wanted to catch a Pumpkinseed Sunfish while there, since they aren't in Missouri. The first place we tried was weed choked and nearly impossible to fish. Tried a different pond nearby and caught one! Species #59 on the fly rod this year.
  15. When I pulled this out of the water, I was REALLY hoping it was a baby Flathead Catfish...but it isn't. Yellow Bullhead: Shortnose Gar: Lots of snakes seen. I was really excited to see the big black Western Ratsnake stretched across the trail (right half of picture below). It let me take some pictures and then I edged around it and we both went on our separate ways.
  16. Shoot. One time (maybe more than one time), a buddy called me to say the white bass were going bonkers along shore at a local reservoir. Come on over! I jumped in the car, drove over, pulled in the parking lot, could SEE the fish busting and frothing the surface, and my buddy catching fish. I opened my car door....and it was like somebody turned off the hot tub. Nothing. You can't convince me it wasn't ME.
  17. FishnDave


    Did you check that product website for ideas...OnlyFans?
  18. FishnDave


    Everybody should get some fans. Ceiling mounted would work.
  19. Wow! That's a GIANT bass, Jim!! Congrats! 🏆🎣
  20. Between tying flies for a friend and picking my wife up from the airport, I squeezed in some hot (90 degrees) fishing at (as @Ham calls it) Beatdown Creek. Miserable place on most days...doubly worse on hot days. First (little) Channel Catfish of the year...my 2023 Flyrod Species total is now at 58. Best year ever, with over 1/2 year to go. New species for the year will get much harder to come by from here on out...travel will be required.
  21. Redspotted Sunfish: Longear Sunfish: Thanks to @Johnsfolly and @Ham for helping me I.D. this fish, it was a first for me. Blackspotted Topminnow:
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