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Everything posted by FishnDave

  1. Cool! I didn't know they were in central Iowa! I saw a beautiful bird this weekend...unfortunately it was not alive. Indigo Bunting.
  2. Beautiful fish! Love the blue fin edges and purple tones. The more I look at it, the more colors I see.
  3. I think I will just throw some pics here throughout the year that aren't shown elsewhere on the forums. Here's a few from April:
  4. That's a cool fish! Good job, John! Also really like that Mud Sunfish!
  5. Happy Anniversary!
  6. That's an excellent trip! Its a long way down Holiday Road...
  7. Bummer about the pain! Glad they were able to at least knock some of it down for you.
  8. Congrats! Such a cool fish! I've always thought they were the "missing link" between crappies and other sunfish.
  9. I didn't watch the video, I don't know what the guy looks like.... just his creativity and zest for living a full life made me think of this movie quote:
  10. Niiiiice! look at the green fins on that papa! Love it! I wanna catch one!
  11. Had one in my back yard last week, here in the city!
  12. Very interesting! My experience has been just the opposite, almost all of mine have been sight-fished, and they are typically NOT very willing to cooperate. If muskies are a fish of 10,000 casts, Smallmouth Buffalo cooperate about once every 30 muskies. 😅 I did get 9 more Freshwater Drum on the fly this weekend, too.
  13. I hope you get into them! The buff was luck..caught blind casting. The goldeye..I had a couple others on that I didn't land. Saw quite a few dart to the surface and back down, but couldn't get them to strike. I KNOW they are there!
  14. (FND16) Smallmouth Buffalo (Bison suckii):
  15. (FND15) Goldeye (Oculus aureum):
  16. I appreciate your efforts! Yeah, we'll get it done. I'm looking forward to it!
  17. At the MDC link below, the far right column is the estimated flathead catfish weight per given length. For a 26"-28" Flathead in MO, estimated weight given is 7.65 lb- 9.65 lb. https://huntfish.mdc.mo.gov/fishing/species/catfish/catfish-tips-fishing/catfish-weight-chart
  18. This is my first Spring here also. You're doing well! Congrats on your bass! I tell you what, the last couple weekends have been a struggle. I fished most recently on Sunday. I flyfished 5 bodies of water, scattered around the area...I'm sure I drove well over 100 miles. Some waters are ones you mentioned. I got skunked at 3 of them, picked up @8 small crappies from one, and the last one I fished produced @ 10 nice bluegills, @ 15 nice crappies, a bass, and a nice redear/hybrid sunfish.
  19. Its certainly possible. Others have done it. I caught a number of them on lures, back before I got into flyfishing. Once I started flyfishing, I stopped fishing those places that had flatheads. 🙄
  20. Keep sharing your pictures, I luv 'em and they are an inspiration! 😊👍
  21. Guess who has two thumbs and has never caught a Blue Cat?
  22. That's awesome! You're living my dream!
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