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About Blackjeepjk

  • Birthday 06/26/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    North West Arkansas
  • Interests
    Huntin, Fishin and Family

Blackjeepjk's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Went out on Tuesday after returning from Branson trout fishing. I sure do like to catch those trout but crappie eats better, imo. caught about 40 kept 12 for the table.
  2. I had a great weekend of fishing. Thanks for all the help on water conditions. I was worried about not having enough water, when in fact it may have been just the opposite. I caught bows on power eggs. Actually so many that I switched to Maribu Jigs in black and also peach and did very well. I kept 4 pretty nice ones for tablefare done on the grill while staying at cooper creek, good stuff. I had to cut my trip short due to unforeseen circumstances on the home front. My only regret was not getting to stop by Lilly’s.
  3. Blackjeepjk residing from North West Arkansas. I’m a transplant from the West Virginia mountains been here about 14rs now. Background is clear small stream fishing for native brook and stocker trout as well as smallmouth. In the time I’ve been in the Ozarks I’ve converted to mainly crappie fishing but still love to fight a trout on an ultralight or fly rod. Still like to fish small lakes for the solitude and low traffic but getting a little stale so looking to expand my ventures to bigger and new water. I’ll add where I can but will most likely be asking many questions.
  4. Thanks jesters and procraft! I really appreciate it. I fished here before but was during spring/early summer when water was running high. I watch one cast pretty regularly and actually how I heard about this site. so I’d like to stop by Lilly’s as well.
  5. Thank you and great summary. Was this a recent trip? I have a 19' tin bass boat, would I be safe from grounding from fall creek to the landing @705'? Planning to spend the next 4 or 5 days trying here. Thanks in advance
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