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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by rps

  1. Sometime around 2000, I stayed at Sportsman's on the White River. I came back in from fishing and found a guide (Elvin?), two older women, and an older gentleman standing with the lodge owners around a pickup. In the bed of the truck lay another older gentleman, very dead. They were waiting for the sheriff or something. All, especially the guide, were quite shaken. It seems the guide had the two wives in his boat and gentlemen were tagging along in theirs. As they drift fished both sides of the river, the gentlemen's boat hit a personal dock just down river from Sportsman's and the current rolled them under the dock. Only the one survived. I had actually fished with that guide about ten years before. He was from Gassville and had something to do with law enforcement. Help me out here, was the name Elvin?
  2. Something like 12 years ago, I came upon an elderly lady clinging to pole timber in the water. A kayak was overturned and some feet away. When I got closer I could see she was in a nightgown. A pontoon boat with a family came over as well. Among us we were able to get her out of the water. I took her to the marina. The Holiday Island fire and rescue arrived moments later and took over. Evidently, she got in her grandchildren's kayak, paddled across the lake and tipped the kayak over in an attempted suicide. Reflex kicked in and she grabbed a tree. All the way back to the marina, she scolded me, saying we should just have let her drown.
  3. That's a hard day for you.
  4. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Short ribs!
  5. I believe it all depends on the waters you fish. Years ago, before required minimum release below Bull Shoals, we all regularly fished with 4# or even 2#. Now 8# is the norm. Stronger current hides the line. When I first moved to TR in 2001, all my reels were strung with 16# and 20#. I quickly learned that did not work. When I moved away 10# was my go to, except for 5# Maxima for neds.
  6. 🙂 Go for it! Vertical spoon time is coming.
  7. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Daughter came by today to help set up for the horde coming tomorrow. Golly! She is talented.
  8. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Smoked tuna and bacon salad.
  9. rps

    What's Cooking?

    It is that time of year again! What are you doing and what are you planning to eat for Thanksgiving. I will start. The beautiful wife and I are hosting again.With friends and relatives,we will total 9. My daughter will bring cheesy covered olives for the charcuterie plate that my grand nephew will prepare. The daughter is also the artsy craftsy one and will stage the table and such. My sister will bring a surprise vegetable side. Heavens I hope it is not green bean casserole. She will also bring her famous apple pie. My wife will make anadama rolls (my Father used to eat 4 or 5 by himself), as well as a pumpkin cheesecake and a fudge pie. My list is longer. I will prepare a grapefruit and orange segment with avocado salad with a onion and brown sugar vinaigrette, the dressing, a cauliflower broccoli and spinach in cheesy bechamel casserole, queso, smoked turkey legs and thighs, and the star, turkey breast porchetta. The picture is a previous year porchetta. How about you?
  10. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Not pretty, but great comfort food. Kielbasa, potatoes, sauerkraut casserole.
  11. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Kielbasa, onion, bell pepper, tomatoes on polenta.
  12. With two, always, always, have two of the opposite sex. And two are always, always, better than one.
  13. In 2000, Jeff Fletcher caught a 64 pound striper below Beaver. They get big eating trout.
  14. Heads Up! Only click this link if you are willing to listen to swear words. Phil, I apologize, but this is Natan R.'s best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iAYhQsQhSY
  15. rps

    Garden 2022

  16. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Fantastic Fish Pie
  17. A few pics:
  18. Michner wrote a book on the Chesapeake. His introduction were always the most interesting.
  19. I have two hand made casting rods for sale as a "walleye" bundle. I made both rods for myself. One is a 6'6" medium flex, medium power, 1/4 - 5/8 ounce bait, made on a MHX blank with a Winn split grip. I built it per Mudhole specs for top water fishing. I used it once. Totally wrong for my style of fishing. What it would be great for: finesse jig fishing on lighter lines, crawler harness dragging, throwing or dragging a minnow tipped jig, C-rig fishing live bait for walleye. The second was made on a previously used Lamiglass blank. It was one of my earlier rods circa 2009. The epoxy crackled and guides fell out. I stripped it (you can see evidence of that where the bronze paint on the blank is scraped. The rod itself is 7' fast bend, medium heavy power, 1/4 to 3/4 ounce baits. It has a full cork handle with a Fuji grip. It is great for jigging spoons, jigraps, and throwing or trolling larger diving baits. I have caught multiple 5+lb. walleye jigging Wareagle spoons on this rod. Both rods are spiral wrapped with Recoil guides. I estimate current Mudhole prices for the materials alone would exceed $400. (Recoils are not cheap!) You guess what labor would cost. I am asking $200 for the pair PLUS shipping cost. If seriously interested I can post pictures.
  20. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Salmon sushi tonight with a few vegetarian egg rolls.
  21. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Bacon, butter, sour cream, and spinach twice baked potatoes.
  22. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Pork cutlet with apple accent, pan roasted zucchini, and pearled couscous.
  23. rps

    Below BS

    My long time friend and I fished the State Park Wednesday and Thurs. Unexpected high water on Wednesday morning. Falling water the rest of the day. One small cut, two rainbow, and a 2 pound Brown. Fished again today on low water. 5 or 6 rainbows and 11 Browns. Pictured with Larry is the best. 32 Wednesday morning. 35 today. We were under dressed.
  24. 👍
  25. rps

    What's Cooking?

    Lentil salad with lemon, sesame, and ginger dressing. Jammy egg and shrimp topping.
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