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Everything posted by abbfish

  1. Good job, gotta keep the kiddos happy or they may not want to go with you the next time.
  2. Ugh, I can't get back down there until Memorial Day weekend. Thanks for the post.
  3. I tried to post a couple pics, but I'm having some technical difficulties.
  4. My buddy and I drove down on Friday evening from STL. Saturday morning we got on the water about 7:30 and hit one spot in Theodosia, then we decided to try things according to what Ham posted for 12-4. We hit mainlake bluffs, throwing the Ned rig. The water temp was about 53 degrees and the air time was in the mid to high 40s. It was cloudy and breezy the whole time. We caught 40-50 short smallmouth, but we did manage 5 keepers (all released). It was a great day. We were getting a lot of bites until noon, then it slowed down. I have not fished in December very much. We fished until 3:30, then went back to watch the Mizzou game, and then headed back to STL. When you don't have much time to be on the water, these posts sure are appreciated!
  5. Thanks for the info!
  6. I need to do what you did and leave all the other stuff behind and only bring out the drop-shot gear for a day. I try drop-shotting, but it's hard to get any confidence in it. I see activtiy on the screen, drop my bait down, see fish come up to investigate, but then move on, it's frustrating.
  7. Thanks for the post.
  8. I fished Saturday in Gulley. I got a late start, but did fish for 5 hours or so. Only managed a short spot and a short smallmouth. It was calm out and I was dragging soft plastics around, something I enjoy. I tend to stay in one spot too long. I should have moved around more. I can't wait to get back down there again.
  9. Thanks for posting.
  10. I was down for a long weekend, a week and a half ago. I hooked 3, almost all in a row, and did not land any of them. I lost 2 in a row the next day. I was starting to lose confidence. The first couple were on one jig, so I switched it out, thinking that might be the problem. I guess I was not getting a good hookset on them. They were fighting hard one minute, gone the next. Very frustrating!
  11. Thanks for posting!
  12. I saw a post last week by a guy who dives out of Diamond City and he said the bass were shallow. I got to fish the Bull on Sunday from 11am until 4pm. I caught 5 smallmouth, all shallow. Only one was a keeper at 3.75 pounds, my personal best!
  13. Thanks for the report.
  14. Very nice. I love fishing farm ponds, especially after Bull Shoals kicks my butt. I have a few 6 pounders from farm ponds and a couple from Bull Shoals (all released), but I've get to top that.
  15. I'm a marshal for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I can't wait! I'm glad it's going to be different than last year. I think these guys will find them and like Ham said "lot of > 15 lbs bags".
  16. In my book, you had an awesome day yesterday! Sorry, I'm no help on your question about keeping the bite going. I can relate to losing a bait and trying to keep the boat off of the boat. I went out Sunday afternoon (Theodosia area), caught a keeper KY on a Wiggle Wart, so I thought I'd loop back around and try the same spot again. The Wiggle Wart got snagged on the next cast. I speedily grabbed my plug knocker, then jumped back on the trolling motor. Unfortunately, no response on the wireless foot control, so I ended up on the rocky bank. I jumped onto the shore to keep the boat from getting scratched up. I wasn't sure what to next, because the wind was pretty strong. I raised the motor as high as I could, started it, then shoved off the shore, jumped in and put it in gear. I got lucky to get off the bank, but the line from the snagged lure wrapped around the prop. I gave up and went back in to remove the line. I like my wireless unit, but it can be very aggrevating sometimes.
  17. Thanks for the post. I'd be proud of that too. I'm heading down that way this weekend from STL, so I hope to get out some.
  18. Thanks for the report, I hope to get down there between the holidays.
  19. Does they have the results posted anywhere?
  20. I was selected for the Bull Shoals tournament this past April and just got drawn again for next April. It was an awesome experience. I got to ride with Matt Greenblat, Pete Ponds, and Mike Iaconelli. Unfortunately, they were all doing the same thing, throwing a shallow water crankbait. I'm hoping the conditions are different next year. I have a cabin on the BSL, so I wanted to learn all I could. They were all very nice. Ike was nice, but very serious, it was day 3. The boat rides were crazy. I took a Pepto to stop me up, because I was afraid of the same thing.
  21. I was a marshal this past weekend. I got paired up with Matt Greenblatt on Thursday and he mainly fished down by the dam (11+ pounds). Pete Ponds on Friday and that was in the Theodosia area (12+ pounds). Mike Iaconelli on Saturday and he fished around the saddle area, 11 pounds 15 oz. They were all cranking, shallow crankbaits, wiggle warts, and Ike told it like it was at the weigh in. He used a WW and a Rapala. I learned a lot and had a blast going 70 mph. I can't wait to see the show this weekend. I gonna record it and burn it to DVD.
  22. Don't feel too bad. I've been skunked a few times. I hope to get down there on Easter weekend and give it a try. This weather was been amazing. I figure it's gonna take a turn for the worst, just about the time I get there:)
  23. #1 on the waiting list, then I would think your chances are pretty good. I assume you caught them on the A-rig.
  24. I got my confirmation that I've been selected as a marshal earlier this week. This will be a first for me. I'm excited and nervous about it. I'm anxious to see how the pros will disect the lake.
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