In my book, you had an awesome day yesterday! Sorry, I'm no help on your question about keeping the bite going.
I can relate to losing a bait and trying to keep the boat off of the boat. I went out Sunday afternoon (Theodosia area), caught a keeper KY on a Wiggle Wart, so I thought I'd loop back around and try the same spot again. The Wiggle Wart got snagged on the next cast. I speedily grabbed my plug knocker, then jumped back on the trolling motor. Unfortunately, no response on the wireless foot control, so I ended up on the rocky bank. I jumped onto the shore to keep the boat from getting scratched up. I wasn't sure what to next, because the wind was pretty strong. I raised the motor as high as I could, started it, then shoved off the shore, jumped in and put it in gear. I got lucky to get off the bank, but the line from the snagged lure wrapped around the prop. I gave up and went back in to remove the line. I like my wireless unit, but it can be very aggrevating sometimes.