I'm going to offer some of my own closing thoughts, and as Mark so admirably did above, I'll try to keep reason foremost in mind.
Only to satisfy the earlier request for qualifications to speak to this matter, I've participated at practically every level of this sport --- successfully. Qualified for six straight Central Pro-Am championships out of the seven years I fished them, previously qualified for multiple Mr. Bass of Arkansas championships, won a Ranger boat and trailer at the age of 26 in the 400-angler Arkansas Arthritis Foundation tournament, etc. Enough of that.
To answer tjm's question above, organized bass tournaments are on the north side of 50 years old. Ray Scott held the landmark All-American Tournament on Beaver Lake in 1967. Sure, there was competition before then, but that pretty much stands as the birthdate of tournament fishing as we know it today.
In the context of Table Rock Lake, I have one major beef with tournaments and that is this ... the state of Missouri, along with regional and local chambers of commerce and other pro-tourism bodies, continues to recruit national-level derby after derby to our lake. Naturally, oodles of other smaller tournaments are held, too, and we all know that fish care isn't always the best. OK, I can live with that, if I must. BUT, and this is the spearhead of my point, this lake CANNOT withstand this continuing barrage without some supplemental stocking of bass. OUR FISH are the very fuel for this fire, but the same state government who wants to crow about its glorious natural resources --- and glorious they are! --- is not willing to spend a drop in the bucket to sustain them. And unless MDC begins providing some help to these fish that we are plundering at an alarming rate, we are all going to pay a hefty price in the form of fishless days on the water.
I could go on about why I chose to back off of my own tournament fishing ... rudeness on the water, the dropoff in prize money vs. the cost of participating in derbies, etc. But others have more than adequately covered that.
The bottom line behind my concern and negative feelings toward derbies on Table Rock is that we darn well better start putting some fuel (fish) back in the tank or the motor is going to cough, sputter and die.