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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. I have to agree. Those look real good!
  2. Brand does not really matter but make sure it’s a full length fly line. A good line will cost between $60-100 dollars. Yes, over line by one weight class especially if it is a fast tip. Not so much if it is a softer medium action rod. Long leaders, long tippet, and soft casts are for spooky fish.
  3. My opinion ( and it’s not really worth anything) is fly line is the most important factor in the equation. Any rod, cheap, expensive, new, used, or custom made can throw a good well matched fly line. Even the best rods will struggle and create aggravation trying to throw a cheap, unbalanced, and unmatched fly line. Over lining by one weight can make for a more forgiving learning curve and a weight forward line is easier to learn on
  4. Second cast yesterday morning and found these here this morning All on megabass jrs
  5. It is almost right across from Garfield’s and only comes out 15 feet or so. Lots of stumps in front of it and behind it. If you stay casting distance from the bank you will be in about 15 feet of water.
  6. Try that with 4 units and flood gates open. Most lures are lost on fish. Hard to chase them down. Usually get everything back that is snagged on bottom if 2 units or less running.
  7. I definitely loose money with Ryan and loss of baits due to line breakage or hook cutting for easy removal from fingers. I average one or two lures lost per trip. Not a bad cost for a chance at a fish of a lifetime.
  8. Some more pictures of the fish the morning I had the pleasure of fishing with Ryan and Ryan. Some of the megabass getting ready to be tuned
  9. I just wanted to hear you scream a little louder......LOL! Not haven fun till someone bleeds!
  10. Gotta love a little pump dump! Clears bears out of a fishing hole real quick.
  11. I would like to publicly apologize to Bill on here for poking at him. Bill is a very dear friend of mine and I love him to death! Unfortunately, I did not treat him as a friend in this thread by not considering his feelings and respecting his well earned reputation and honor in trying to have a little fun. I did personally apologize to him, but wanted everyone on this forum to know also. I do fish the Turner micro jig. Not very often. Only when I have to catch fish and nothing else works. At some point in time, we are going to have to find an alternative. I hope we can get close!
  12. I had the older model 55 pound thrust on a tracker 185 sport jet with 12 volt system. Could get 4 solid hours of trolling 1.5 mph out of it. Upgraded to 80 pound 24 volt so I could troll longer.
  13. LOL. I was just playing around Bill. I know the Turners are fantastic!
  14. The 10X (Dinky Doty) jig round 2 has received a few modifications. Being that prototype #1 was 1/10,000 of an ounce under weight, I had to add more mass. Added a few hundred wraps of thread to try and build the body up some more and a couple of daps of permanent marker for the eyes. That’s hard to do with a 10 cup coffe buzz going! Couldn’t get that sucker to hold still. Maybe these guys will catch a fish under these desperate times of the dwindling supply of the Turner, indestructible, must have, can’t catch a fish with out, nothing comes even close, 256 (which is a lie), half micro jig.
  15. Well back to the drawing board. My jig weighed in at 1/10,000 of an ounce lighter than the Turner 256 and did not catch fish. Not a one. Nothing! That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
  16. Yup. Bill posted a picture of one with a dime as a reference. A dime is real close to being 11/16 of an inch long. The jig I just whipped up to see if anything other than a Turner can catch a fish is real close to being 10 inches long making it well over 10x in length. Oh well, go big, or stay home....... think I’ll keep throwing cranks and jerks.
  17. Even the 256 doesn’t weigh 256. It weighs a little over 1/100, that’s 2 1/2 times the suggested weight. Blah, blah, blah
  18. I’ll give this poor attempt at a recreation a try tomorrow morning. Hope it can catch a fish. I found that the heat shrink and bonding process can be combined and sped up by putting in microwave. Gets a little sparky at first but just stick with it till a little smoke starts coming out. Have no idea what it weighs, but it’s pretty light. Well, off to Walmart to get a new microwave.
  19. I’ve landed many a trout that have left bloody knuckles. You must not be fishing for the right sized trout
  20. I have not had the time to try down there yet but would like to....I’ve been thinking the same thing.
  21. Fishing was good on jerk baits up by the dam yesterday evening but we got run off by a scary looking dark rumbling cloud. Made it back to the resort unscathed. Waited around a few minutes and it looked ok. Tied making a pass from the resort to Cooper Creek and it just unloaded on us about the time we got the 1st rod out. We got soaked.
  22. 4 hours in this morning and got 2 more over 21 inches. I’m using anywhere from from 4-8 pound trilene xl, just depending on weight and size of lure.
  23. Personal best brown trout for me this morning on Lake Taneycomo. It was busting shad in front of Lilleys’ Landing Dock while I was getting ready for a guide trip. Flipped a white jig out in all the action and twitched it twice. Pretty good head shakes followed by one good run. 28.75 inches long with 22 inch girth weighing 17 3/4 pounds. Released unharmed for another angler to enjoy! Wore the right shirt too... "Good Catch"
  24. Fishing was incredible last night with the dropping water. Sculpin and peach jigs were getting hit 3 and 4 times per cast with over stuffed pigs from a week of flood gates.
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