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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by motoman

  1. I wonder if fish get ‘trapped’ in a similar fashion to carbon monoxide poisoning in humans. Not the kinda thing that’s easily detected; just kinda start getting sleepy and it’s downhill from there?
  2. Our kids start back tomorrow here in st.louis.........woohoo!:-P
  3. That’s like somebody buying a house on a golf course; then complain about their house getting hit with golfballs. Maybe those folks living on a golf course should post signs saying, ‘No golfing within 500 yards’. Pretty absurd. Public water is just that, public. If we obey all those stupid signs and buoys people put out, trying to prohibit use of public water; half the lake will eventually end up off limits. If these dock and slip owners want to catch someone damaging their property; then they need to make the effort to catch them. Don’t paint all anglers with such a broad brush. Some of us show absolute respect for the water, fellow boaters, etc. And yes; our family owned lakefront property for years, with a dock, etc. Sure we would find lures snagged on things they shouldn’t be, it stinks; but it kinda comes with the territory. I wish I had such problems to worry about now. Life must be pretty darn good when you have to complain about someone fishing your dock or slip........sheesh!
  4. Those grounds can certainly cause some funky behavior. - I had trailer light issues years back; similar to what you’re saying. After much troubleshooting I found that the wire harness for the trailer was not actually grounded to the trailer; thru the electrical system. The lights were trying to ground thru the trailer ball, to the truck. So, I found the white trailer ground wire; bolted it to a bare metal spot on the trailer with some dielectric grease and no problems since.
  5. Congrats there Rod!..........definitely exciting times for yah.🎣
  6. No hard feelings about Nebraska folks. Strange they’re so crabby, even towards folks from their own state. - Guys are certainly always catching them somewhere. I wonder what the true percent of those heavy bags were actual bed fish/sight fish plucked off their beds?.........cause even mixing it up and trying things and places we typically don’t go, yielded nuttin. Reason I bring up bed fish; is years past; guys I’ve known who brought in big bags and have no problem saying how they caught them; after game day, mention their yearly largemouth bed spots, paid off. mixermark, it’s funny you mention fishing history. Midway thru our first full day; we quickly realized, our typical bags of tricks and usual haunts, weren’t gonna cut it. So we pulled out the stops and tried everything but the kitchen sink, in places not associated with spring fish. But again, this is all coming from a guy who only gets down to fish the rock once/twice a year anymore..........so take it for what it’s worth.🤗
  7. That’s what my buddy and I kept telling each other, “at least we’re not working!” Daggum.........I understand it’s fishing and all, but fishing this time down was just awful..........I just hope this is us paying our dues for the next time we make it down.........sheesh!🤦‍♂️
  8. Stayed in Kimberling City for our annual trip I take down with a buddy every year. Arrived with excitement and anticipation.......which was quickly squashed. Nice weather though, that’s about it. Rock snot was a pain, but nothing we hadn’t dealt with before........when we were catching fish. 4/29 got a few hours in; caught 4 fish a few hours before sunset; all were decent keepers. Swimming the grub. Nothing on Ned. Just got out a little deeper from the snot to catch them; like other years with rock snot. 5/1 - Buzzed around with the big engine a bit looking for fish and less rock snot........struck out on both counts. Out from sunup to sundown; with only about an hour and a half break on land for lunch then dinner........mealtimes were our only salvation from the Table Rock beatdown we took. No matter what we threw or where or how deep or how fast or slow; not much to show for it. Just a handful of small fish. Wispy clouds, blue skies and warm temps with wind. 5/2 - lather, rinse and repeat.........same story as above. Dissappointment and heartache. Cloud cover rollled in mid-morning, with with slight wind; made no difference, our beloved Table Rock still kicked us in the teeth. We caught about as many fish total, in the few days down as we have in just an hour most years. We still made the best of it and had a good time. Laughing at our misfortune and making fun of ourselves; frothing the water. The front deck of my boat looked like a yard sale. Piles of tackle, that did nothing for us. So I’d switch out and drop the non-producing lures at my feet, to be cleaned up later. The trip highlight was good food at local eateries and good stories to match.:-) Nebraska B.A.S.S. federation qualifying guys down (or something like that) where we were staying. That bunch really stayed to themselves. Any other time at the rock; anyone that comes into the dock will start a friendly chat with other folks at the dock; not this bunch. So I surely didn’t go out of my way either. Tough times we’ve been down on the lake; even misery loves company and a little moaning and groaning takes place on the dock about tough days with other anglers. We didn’t even get so much as a friendly glance or smile when I would try and make eye contact to guys walking right by on this trip. Certainly not the norm at Table Rock. Strange...........oh well. Good luck to anyone else on the water; hope the fishing improves for yah!
  9. Thanks Neb, that 1/16 ounce Ned was indeed, much easier to keep out of the snot than heavier heads. Although the wind sure made it tricky to throw..........but, Gonna try a lighter keitech tomorrow too. Glad it’s just not us tangling in the stuff.:-(
  10. Nice report rps; we fished Kimberling City a few hours tonight and struggled. Stupid moss/rock snot stuff is all over. Guess we gotta travel to get away from it?........is this stuff everywhere? - We didn’t venture far; cause we got a late start today.:-(
  11. That’s a good point; I forgot about the ‘new’ boat angle; you’re exactly right; Merc doesn’t leave much choice at all. :-(
  12. Aw man; that stinks for Nick..........that’s some pretty crappy shenanigans indeed. - This might be a dumb question; but any idea if he will buy another Mercury after this one? (I would hope not:-)
  13. Crappiemaster; that 92 looks in great shape. Not sure who told you parts are hard to find for the Evinrude?...........but, don’t believe them. I had an 86 150 Evinrude for years; just sold it 5 years ago and handled all maintenance myself. Never had an issue finding parts. I’m guessing whoever told you Evinrude parts are hard to find, drank the Mercury blind-loyalty Kool-Air too.:-(
  14. VERY good point about the mechanical and computer worlds colliding.:-)
  15. Had 2 over the past 15 years. If it’s new enough, have a service center pull a detailed engine history printout and see everything it’s done every minute of its life. Have the service center run the ole compression test too. Great motors if you do your homework and spend a few bucks upfront to see what your getting into. - I preferred to pay a few bucks for engine history and compression test on the front end; as opposed to being a cheapskate and end up with someone else’s problem after an uninformed purchase. - As mentioned above; you might be able to do better on the price because of the blind loyalty for Mercs in our area too.
  16. Well done there!..........good thinking with the pix and video. Too many stories like this on the internet with no evidence. If water patrol responded, and there was no evidence; that's a tough case to make. But, clowns in that wakeboat cant argue video taken minutes earlier. - Nice to hear water patrol sharing a common interest too!
  17. Only flat bottom?.......I'd think any shallow draft boat, capable of hauling 4+ people, would be appreciated; considering the scope of the disaster.(I'm just thinking out loud here though)
  18. I don't think the Trailer Valet would have enough grip to overcome the force of trying to push the tires of the Trailer sideways; to get that 90 degree spin you need. But, if you're able to spin a single axle trailer 90 degrees, you may be able to get by with just 2 of the wheel dollies; on the rear axle. Because, once the rear axle is on the casters; it should not be too much different than the single axle you have now? (Besides the initial shove to get the Trailer rotating and the dolly casters on the wheels pointing the correct direction)...........maybe a little extra weight of the entire setup and some slight resistance from the rolling casters, compared to your single axle would be different.(just thinking out loud here)
  19. Dang, that's awesome.........I have an Ameratrail myself and different boat manufacturer; which is why I need the wheel dollies. Jacking my tongue sky-high, still leaves the front wheels firmly planted.:-(
  20. One of the axles has to act as a pivot point. And if you try using the front axle as a pivot point; and you swing the tongue one direction or the other........without the dollies under the wheels; the rear axle wheels would just drag/scrub.......if that. - For my application; I found it best to have the dollies under the front wheels. Then moving the tongue any distance left or right; the whole trailer pivots like a single axle would. Otherwise; the 4 tires wont budge left or right. Also; you can find harborfreight 20% off coupons online all the time. So that saves a bit. - Our garage is a 3 car, but not very deep. It has a double door and a single. My truck won't fit in the garage anywho; so the boat goes in there. I back the boat into the double side; and turn sharply to get the outboard in the back corner (of single door side) and the swing-away tongue at the edge of the double garage door. Leaving plenty of room for our other car to pull in the double door side. (Hopefully that makes sense) There's just too many sharp angles to make just backing it in; believe me; I've tried.:-( - The only application I can think the Trailer Valet not working real well for is if you have a bit of an angled drive you would have to crank it up or if you had a loose surface to maneuver the Valet on. The Valet tires bite plenty, with good grip on a flat, smooth garage floor and even our very slight incline drive. But, they show a video on their website with a sailboat being cranked up a steep drive..........i don't know anything about sailboats; I'm guessing they're pretty light. Cause I'd be a bit uneasy cranking a heavy bassboat on a steep drive. - Checkout some of the Trailer Valet videos online; it's a pretty awesome product. I have no interest in the company or their sales; I just wished I would've found it years before I had; and saved my back from having to muscle our heavy boats around to fit in the garage.:-(
  21. My tandem axle is a breeze to move around into the tightest spot in our garage, one man, any direction with these three items. - A pair of Harbor Freight wheel dollys. https://m.harborfreight.com/1250-lb-Capacity-Vehicle-Positioning-Wheel-Dolly-61917.html - and a Trailer Valet (best money Ive ever spent and the best dang invention since sliced bread!).........so easy, our 8 year old girls can maneuver our 21 foot fiberglass bass boat with a 225HO into the garage. https://www.trailervalet.com/?gclid=CjwKEAjw5PDLBRD0rICj35CtqS4SJACH7bsyV6yY8Pkf9HhoH_mJVAtRfx-tSKJZXZwC4kUDexCraBoC28Dw_wcB
  22. Lol.........my thoughts exactly!
  23. Maybe I've had a long day and am misreading this part.........."Existing licensed electric lines providing service to private floating facilities will not be renewed after December 31, 2027".........would this mean the large commercial docks (and smaller resorts) that are not affiliated with state parks would have to remove shore power? - And to the OP's original question. I would think a pretty serious array of solar panels would be needed, and a significant sized battery pack also for a 20 slip dock. But someone smarter than I will be along shortly. I just have limited info from what I've been researching about Tesla related stuff the past 6 months. (Model S, solar shingles, powerwall, etc) - As for those huge commercial docks with the offshore style cruisers; I can't help but think there will be serious outcry from those folks who like to leave those barges plugged into some serious voltage and keep things running. Cause solar panels and battery packs for those docks would have to be massive.
  24. That's what I was trying to tell them.........but did they listen?........NO!
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