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Everything posted by fisheye

  1. All, Sent the picture provided by 'Wrench to Strike King, cause I could not find the model number on the Strike King Web site. Wanted to pick up a few of those bad boys. Strike King reply. The color # is 514 Chrome Sexy Shad, if it isn't available on the Strike King website it should be at one of the major retailers. Good fishing!
  2. Check out https://www.sunburstranchcanoe.com/ They can drop you off upstream and you can float to their campground. There are Stripe Bass that can be in the 40 lbs range in that stretch of river. Bryant Creek has some nice smallmouth fishing and has less canoe traffic. Might be the only canoe on the creek during a weekday.
  3. On MissouriWhiteTails: Oct 16, 2023 "Yeah ,that’s my neighbor’s bean field he’s chompin on . I don’t know about a cow . But that fella was seen in Beaufort and Leslie later last week ." Has a pic, same Elk. Was with a Cow Elk. Swam the Missouri River!!!
  4. All, Have 4 walnut rough, cut live edge boards that were milled on a Chain Saw mill. Been air drying for over 2 years. The biggest board is 136 inches ( 11'4") long, 2 -1/2 to 2_3/4, thick 11' wide [ 136' long, 10/4 to 11/4 thick, 11 ' wide ] the one with the split The other 3 boards are a minimum of 136 inches (11'4) long, at least 2" inches thick, 10.5" inches wide. Located in St. Clair, MO. Make me a fair cash offer I cannot refuse!! Thanks for looking
  5. All, Thank you for your valuable feed back!! I will use it!! Wrench, I have observed that most of your White/Hybrid/Striper experience seems to have taken place in the LOZ drainage. Have you every gone to the NFWR to target the White/Hybrid/Striper? Why Olive over Tan Clouser, what does the fly represent? Gavin, when you are targeting White/Hybrid/Striper on the NFWR what flies did you use? 2sheds, finally " bit the bullet" and bought a pair of Korkers. Should have bought them years ago!! Will be using a 9 ft, 8 weight rod with floating line and high density sinking tip line. Going down sometime in the first half of June. Better get busy tying some flies!! Will follow up with a detailed trip report. Once again THANKS!!!
  6. All, Thinking about heading down to the NFWR and fly fishing from Patrick Bridge area to Dawt Mill during the week, not the weekend. Will be wading, Yes I know it's a "BIG" rough river, but I am happy to fish around the bridge accesses. Has/does anybody target the Stripers that migrate from Norfork Lake to Dawt Mill section of the NFWR? Are the Stripers "residents" or do the Stripers just run up the river at certain times of the day or certain times of the year? Any particular stretch of the NFWR to concentrate on for Stripers? What flies to use, big streamers that represent Rainbow Trout? Not afraid to cast a 4/0 or larger. Thanks!!
  7. Where do you plan to put in on the Jack's Fork?
  8. 40 years ago, you could drive a sedan to Paddy Creek. Was family appropriate back then. Camp Ground was never more than 1/2 full. The Bad: I have never seen so many skunks in one place. Sat on the picnic table one night and counted 17 skunks in less than 2 hours walk right through our campsite. Do not camp near anybody that has a dog!! A program called "Outward Bound" was operating at the time. Took Juvenile Delinquents out to hike in the woods. Little bastards went into everyones cooler and stole food. Hate to say this, but if you are hiking, carry some personal protection. Was out Moral hunting last weekend and came across a Methhead that was making meth someplace in the woods. I stood still and he walked by me at 40 yards and did not see me, but he had a bowie knife on his hip. First time I have seen one in the woods, but I have come across the lab sites more than a few times. You can walk to the piney river in 10 to 15 minutes.
  9. No Elk, no Bear for 2021.
  10. Put some chicken wire in the bottom before adding the soil. The wire will stop a lot of tunneling creatures that are looking for an easy meal!!
  11. Al, Take a read: https://nature.mdc.mo.gov/sites/default/files/downloads/black_bear_plan_2008_01-31-11.pdf If bears are hunted, they do their best to stay away from humans! Fishingwrench, this same old timer told me where his cave was on the upper Current where he made Moonshine. Went and checked out the cave myself
  12. Al, Black Bears did survive in Missouri. The Conservation Department did a major study on the Bear population in Missouri and performed DNA testing. The Conservation Department found mostly the DNA of the Arkansas Bears ( I believe from Wisconsin ) and to their surprise found a different DNA, that was a Missouri strain. Fifty years ago I saw a Sow Bear with two cubs on the upper Current River. Talked to an old timer at least 80 at the time, that lived on the Current before the Federal Buyout and he told me that he had seen Bear on the Current his whole life. Not many, but he said that the Bears were there. Sasquatch? only in Bars in my wilder days.
  13. Latest research, give it a read. Saying your "old" retroelements within the human genome, could be made active to fight cancer. Your Caveman Ancestors will cure you of the big C. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2844-1
  14. Jerry Jeff Walker had a very interesting life. Best album is "Its a good night for singin" Red Neck Mothers
  15. Are those Black Vultures? I read that Black Vultures will attack livestock. New born calves, chickens, lambs. The BV have been migrated North for the last 20 years. I think I have seen them in the last 3 years.
  16. The Float Operator up from Highway 8 Bridge at the Meramec/Meramec Springs had a picture of a PIKE someone caught just upstream from the bridge. This was at least 25 years ago. PIKE looked to be over 30 inches long.
  17. Thanks for quick reply. Too far away, I am in STL. Don't worry, I WILL have seconds thoughts on those fine looking cast iron frying pans!!! Where would the pickup point be? Thanks JJS
  18. Last time out caught one that size where the BIG dumps into the ...MAC.
  19. Where would the pickup point be? Thanks JJS
  20. fisheye


    Put them on a 6/0 hook and proceed to catch a 245 pound Stripe Bass in the Pot Hole!! 😄
  21. Well, sorry to "preach" at you. Maramec has the smallest hatchery. I remember by the end of August the fish getting real small. Does the MDC bring stockers from other hatcheries now?
  22. FYI You are supposed to stop fishing when you reach/keep your limit in the Trout Parks. You can get a BIG fine.
  23. Just Remember, You have to start in the morning if you are going to DRINK all day!!!
  24. I am old, and I might be wrong, but I think the Eleven Point from Greer Springs to Riverton is Nation Scenic Riverways, Park Service.
  25. See if the developer will build the app using Flutter.
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