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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by fshndoug

  1. You guys are upsetting Coldwater .stop it. LOL
  2. I heard that the balloon was taking secret documents from California to some guys house that goes by the name of Joe on the east coast.
  3. Glen it would depend on whether Hunter and Sleepy Joe was helping you.
  4. I think this thing might be carrying all the microchips for 200 horse mercs to Wrench's house
  5. Heck that is the size of some of photo shopped fish pictures on this site.
  6. Mine were mailed today
  7. Well darn it .Keep positive thoughts.
  8. Put your extra money in snack food stocks. I bet we will never hear about the increased # of accidents caused from pot smoking. That stat will be kept quite .
  9. Nice job Marty.
  10. Thanks to all of you . She seems to be doing ok. No effects at all from the mini stroke other than scaring the heck out of me. Friday we celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary.
  11. Wrench can you get that gals # for me. I will trade a dozen white bass streamers for it.
  12. I will get mine in the mail tomorrow been busy ,wife mad a mini stroke on Monday morning. Got her back home yesterday .Taking care of appointments and grocery shopping today.
  13. Way to go Wrench Have one for me buddy.
  14. Just pulling your chain Marty.
  15. I have almost totally quit going to BPS because of their high prices. Follow Glen's advice and look into Piscifun gear
  16. Hey Marty Glen would like the wild natural colored ones and not the white barnyard ones. LOL
  17. That looks like Lassie in that picture. That rabbit must weigh a 100 lbs. Size 10 shoe on that rabbit.
  18. The guy that took the picture of the giant rabbit foot is the same guy that makes a 8" bluegill looks like it is 15 inches long.
  19. I am hare to tell you that you must create your own luck.
  20. I'll pick it up next time I am down there.
  21. The 1.4% showed up while Glen was out white bass fishing and wasn't invited.
  22. Here we go- most of the political folks seem really dumb to me. They sure end up making a ton of money when they hold a political position. If I had to do it all over again I would definitely consider going into politics. I mean come on look at the mayor of Chicago and a certain VP.
  23. Are they talking about anyone we know Wrench.
  24. That bridge estimate sounds like the weather forecast. Temps to be between 30-60 degrees.
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