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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. I see this boat often on the lake. It always has stringers hanging off the sides.
  2. I fish Stockton about as much as i do Table Rock, so I guess I will quit posting on both. See ya.
  3. I too have caught enough of those fish to give em a nickname. Called them humpies.
  4. Rickf, what it proves is you think nobody is entitled to an opinion. Like its been stated over and over that anybody has the right to keep bass for whatever purpose they want within the law. Some of us don't and are criticized for expressing our point of view.
  5. 5 fish in 3 hours is a respectable outing. I have had worse days.
  6. Wow. I get called out for expressing my opinion . Yeh, maybe I miss spoke and for that I am sorry. But another thread comes up bashing me for my opinion. Really ? Your opinions are ok. Mine aren't.
  7. denjac

    8.5 Bass

    I know exactly what I would do and have done. Release it. I am intitled to my opinion just as those that wish to keep them are intitled to theres. I am thrilled he caught a nice one. Not thrilled with the end results. Us catch and release guys will do our thing so you catch and kill guys can do your thing. Thats. what make the world go around.
  8. denjac

    8.5 Bass

    Wouldn't be 100 just like it if everyone kept them. Thank God most don't so others can catch em too. It was a nice fish.
  9. denjac

    8.5 Bass

    It's not going anywhere as far as I am concerned. My preference would have been to take pictures and measurements and let her go. Then if I wanted get a replica made. If he wants to swim it in grease or mount it that's his right to. Conservation education still needs to be preached. If everbody was an eater or mounter there wouldn't be many left to catch. Bet that fish has been caught 20 times in its life.
  10. denjac

    8.5 Bass

    Hope she is still swimming.
  11. My owners manual for my 2014 yamaha 4 stroke says to use min 90 octane ethanol free. It also says it will run on blended fuel but prolonged use can cause damage.
  12. Rapid Roberts in KC gas ethanol free although it's 93 octane. Phillips 66 in Branson West has it in 91 octane.
  13. Even if you have to pay .50 more a gallon that equals about 5 bucks more a fishing trip for most of us. Did you know that up until a few years ago taxpayers paid 51 cents a gallon to the producers of ethanol in the form of subsidies. Ethanol does more harm than good in so many different ways. It's time for it to go away.
  14. http://wired2fish.scout.com/story/1466201-ethanol-nightmares-in-fishing-boats
  15. You didn't fling a blade at those buck brush fish?
  16. Oh Donna, you made water come from me eyes. I think your writing skills are superb!
  17. Champ finished a respectable 34th.
  18. Sometimes it doesn't matter if they don't bite well
  19. My neighbor goes to Alaska alot as his son lives there. His destination place is now sturgeon bay. Darrell greenwood from joplin won the big smallmouth tourny up there a couple of years ago with 60 some pounds. 2 day tournament.
  20. Fished with champ last Friday and he set the hook on a 15 inch smallie and heard his falkon Cara head turner go pop. It broke in the handle between the corks. Didn't break in two but definitely was some damage. First fishing failure I have ever seen from a falkon. I think I might have heard him say, Boom goes the dynamite, when he set the hook!
  21. Way to get em Jim.
  22. Jim Rodgers called crankbaits tourist baits. And he made and sold em at Rodgers lures. I still have a bunch of deep jims, slim jims and fat jims.
  23. We were too poor to afford elmers paste so I would scrape tar off the road and use that. Also had to take a spit shot and crimp it on a gold crappie hook to make a rig head. I would then put a grub worm on I was ready to go.
  24. Beaver doesn't have predators? Those 30 pound stripers eat anything that gets in there way.
  25. Great event. Caught some fish and ate some good food. Was great meeting some of you guys and seeing old friends.
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