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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I promise not to accuse you of "living that way." 😄
  2. Personally I am not uptight about random cusswords, I use them myself quite frequently. But not on here. I don't know that Phil has any control on the ads, he'd probably have to find another forum host that has some kind of ad filtering.
  3. I even named it, at Wrenches suggestion, "Little Pete".
  4. I bet when the bass are bedding they would hammer those things. That one I caught was my little friend, I wouldn't be able to stick a hook though it's mouth and use it for bait.
  5. Just now - AFTCO Youth Clothing. I don't qualify.
  6. Well went back today and not nearly as good, 4 bass and only one was a keeper sized smallie. Even got desperate and threw a ned, and they didn't like that either. I am blaming it on the lack of wind. Even with the flat calm, no sign of top water stripers.
  7. Did Vernon have anything to do with the deluge? Seems he got active on the forum about the same time it happened. Coincidence?
  8. Man I tell ya, the things people get paid to study. 😄 How many robot bass would you have to put out there to scare the skeeterfish? And how long would it take for the skeeterfish to realize the robot bass isn't going to eat them? Hey I just thought of another study they could do!
  9. After about 10 minutes of research, I am going with Red River Mudpuppy. The range of the Red River includes all of Arkansas. There is also a Common Mudpuppy, but the range does not show it in Arkansas. The picture makes it look paler than it actually was. I'd say the color in more like what you see on a flathead. Red River waterdog - Wikipedia
  10. I was nice to it, felt a little guilty about sticking a couple of trebs in it. Your question does make me wonder if anyone has actually eaten one of those things.
  11. Snagged it while fishing for bass on Beaver lake. I did a search on Arkansas salamanders, but couldn't find any matches. Some variety of mud puppy is my guess.
  12. Started at 9 AM, waited for the temp to get above 32 before venturing out. Rock Snagger, whoops, I mean Rock Crawler was working today for the smallies. Caught 11, six were solid keepers. I paralleled rocky banks, keeping contact with the rocks. That tactic does lead to snags, lost 2 Crawlers and had to use the hound dog quite a bit. It was worth it, I'd do it again. Phantom Green and Red both worked. Didn't see any striper activity at all. WT 54.
  13. I would've done the same thing, looked for some run off and fished it. Did you launch at a COE ramp? Curious if the docks have been adjusted for the high water.
  14. A buddy of mine is a moderator on a dirt bike forum, the owner offered to sell him the site, I think the owner wanted $100K for it, that was several years ago. Babler can write a good fishing story, always thought he should write a book.
  15. Nice to see the Crawler working!
  16. The lake was just getting down to where I like it for winter fishing.
  17. Chargers passed on 3 chip shot FG's. Chiefs should send Staley a Christmas card in appreciation for the gift win.
  18. I have some rod tubes, heavy duty cardboard and a couple of PVC if you want them Randy. I could bring them to the OA One Bass which I assume will be in March sometime.
  19. I thought you were going to say that you had caught a giant bow. 😄 But if true, that fish is truly a giant.
  20. You're right Mike, it was good to be out.
  21. Got out yesterday morning, fished downstream from Big M. A little breezy near the launch, but glass downstream. Had a little early action in the depths, caught a couple of spots on a white tube on a 3/8 oz jighead, bouncing it off the bottom. The deep fish left the area not long after I got there, so I hit a chunky rock bank with timber and fished the Ned in 20 FOW. Caught a couple there and even got one on a top water. After that, fished quite a few other places, couldn't find fish, couldn't get bites. Put the boat on the trailer at noon and headed home. Had 6 spots, 3 were keepers. WT 53.
  22. Surface activity is what I like to do for stripers. I have been thinking about how Live Scope type electronics might help locate them when they are up in the water column chasing shad.
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