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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I would think that hydrilla would do well in the backs of the coves like Prairie creek.
  2. Tourney starts today at 5 PM.
  3. Tourney starts today at 5 PM.
  4. Tourney starts today at 5 PM.
  5. Tourney starts at 5 PM today, if you want to fish it you need to be signed up by then.
  6. Man if I saw them coming at me with shaky hands holding a needle, I'd bolt. I don't watch myself, needles give me the willies.
  7. I draw the line at bugs. Fried grasshoppers were becoming a 'thing' about a year ago, don't hear too much about people eating them now so hopefully that fad has passed. But if I was starving, I could probably force myself to eat a hopper.
  8. Yeah no issues here either on the 2 stage Shingrex except for the sore arm. Got the free flu vaccine a couple of weeks ago, no issues there either.
  9. Early voted two days ago. You guys will have to take my word on it as I declined the sticker.
  10. Have seen it, it was good.
  11. Man this rain is killing me, one more day to go dang it. I didn't have much of a social schedule to begin with before the COVID hit so I'm not missing much. Likewise, haven't been out to eat since this stuff hit, but have gotten some to go stuff. Last movie I watched was Road to Perdition. As far as I know it was the only Tom Hanks movie I had not seen. Certainly beats chick flicks.
  12. That's interesting, I would've guessed it would be in the 60-62 range after seeing it at 64 Sunday. Thanks for the info!
  13. I would advise anyone facing cancer treatments to research the type of cancer you have and the treatment options. There's a lot of info out there on the web. You'll at least know what you're dealing with and be in a position to understand what the MD's are telling you.
  14. With this rain, I haven't been out since Sunday. FWIW, the surface temp on Beaver was 64 Sunday.
  15. I don't know anyone who has had it, family members, friends, neighbors, no one. And I hope no one gets it, I see it as a crap shoot, odds are you'll come through it OK, but if you get snake eyes you're in for some bad times.
  16. I'll try and get a hold of Miles today, still haven't heard back from him about the weekend of the 12th opening up. Yeah you all need to decide who is staying at Erik's and if additional lodging is needed. I'm not going this year, I'm not going to risk it with COVID. I am overly cautious I know, but I have decided to bow out this year.
  17. There is some hydrilla in Beaver not too far from the Lost Bridge South ramp, I noticed it there a couple of years ago. It doesn't appear to have spread at all in the time that it has been there. Maybe like Ham says, water fluctuation keeps it under control. Loch Lomond, here in Bella Vista, has in about 5 years become completely infested with hydrilla, used to be none at all, and the bass population has exploded in that lake. However, the POA also manages the hydrilla, they have a mower to keep it a few feet below the surface in the shallow coves and they do some spraying around docks and boat lanes so you won't see it matting up on top like it will in lakes where it is unmanaged. If you want to do some reading on the subject, search 'Lake Ouchita hydrilla'. I used Google, you can get varying results based on the search engine you use. Here's somthing I copied out of one of the articles. Hydrilla, a highly invasive exotic weed, is present at water deeps of 5 to 30 feet is a succulent rhizome type weed that cannot be controlled by lowering the lake. The explosive growth of this weed overpowers other aquatic vegetation. Essentially, density of its growth creates an environment that harbors smaller forage fish but precludes larger game fish from feeding. This creates a non-supportive environment causing the size and numbers of popular game fish to decline.
  18. That fish sure was eating well.
  19. That's pretty neat. I have fished Sardis a couple of times which is just a bit north of Grenada. Grenada is supposed to have some bigger fish as you noted, we never caught any 3 lbers in Sardis, but we did get decent numbers of keepers. I fished with my uncle, he has a 17 ft aluminum john boat deal , we always trolled with Bandit 300's. The times I have gone with him have been in the summer, July, and needless to say it is hot and humid, but the fish still bit. As far as lake structure there really wasn't any to fish on Sardis either we trolled around out in the middle not far from the dam, lake is pretty consistently 20-30 feet deep without any cover to speak of but the crappie do just fine. It's amazing how productive those lakes are, they just get hammered by catch and keep crappie fishermen but they keep producing.
  20. HAHA! Have to admit it took me a few seconds to get it.
  21. Is he working? Maybe drop some hints about house payments getting tough to cover, utility bills, etc., - with his new found driving skills, maybe he can drive a school bus?
  22. So does the FIL give you an evil eye type stare?
  23. They are a great fish to catch, but man I have to do a lot of fishing to catch a couple.
  24. Rolled over to Indian this morning, thought about going over to Table Rock but I wanted to check and see if there was any striper top water activity around Indian, and to get the striper stuff out of the way, I saw very little of anything that would indicate stripers in the area. Went back into Indian first thing in the AM and fished the banks, just wasn't a lot going on, there are some spots coming up chasing small shad and if you are close enough to them when they come up and get a top water on them, they'll hit it. However, they are running small, 10-12" on average. I caught about a half dozen of the little dudes and decided this is not how I wanted to spend my time and moved out to the main basin area down by the dam and looked for smallies. Smallie bite was slow, caught 2 decent ones and a couple of small ones fishing a Keitech near the bottom in water 10-30 feet deep. Surface temp - 64.
  25. Not a bad day for fishing today, a little chilly but not much wind and no rain.
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