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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Have to give props to the man for knowing his targeted fish, sounds like a tough one to get on rod and reel.
  2. OK, we've got our three judges - Johnsfolly, SnaggedinOutlet3 and M&M. John, Pete, and Mike respectively. There may be a few changes to the rules that they are considering.
  3. Well breaking out the calculator, with a US population of 330,000,000 times .003, that works out to 990,000 dead people. A 3/1000 chance of dying is good odds for an individual, but as a whole, it still kills a lot of people. I would also add that a person's chances are probably better in a rural environment that in a crowded city.
  4. I agree, this whole printing money thing is a short term bridge to get us over the hump. We can't keep doing it long term.
  5. HAHA, yeah that's something else, first you have to say something to them to get their attention, of course they don't hear it, so you have to repeat. One of my fishing buddies is hard of hearing and another issue is that they think they have to yell to be heard. He's always yelling at me - "WHAT COLOR WORM ARE YOU THROWING?" or something similar at 0530 on a quiet summer morning.
  6. I have some people in my life that I wish would get hearing aids, I get tired of yelling at them just trying to hold a conversation.
  7. Dang moss seems to be getting worse every year, it's even swimming up stream 😄 and starting to show in the Big M area. Once established it won't go away.
  8. Now the Fed is buying corporate bonds. Should be good in the short term as it will give corporations money to cover operations, but long term it will cause some companies to become overleveraged and increases the chance of those corps going bankrupt - thus leaving the fed with worthless bonds. If this economy doesn't get going soon, we could be in for some really bad times. The govt. is taking on a lot of debt, it is getting really worrisome. Tax revenues will decrease, states are having to pay out unemployment benefits in increasing amounts and some of those states are now looking to the feds to bails them out.
  9. Good luck buddy!
  10. Yep, been considering the full Billethead myself. Starting to look like Einstein but without the smarts.
  11. Sorry to hear that - you'd think they would take a wait and see approach to this summer, but maybe that would not work for their business.
  12. Marty, that is one heck of a garden you have there! Just watched the local weather forecast, we could be seeing some straight line winds up to 80 MPH. I'm not liking that at all. Dang weather...
  13. Yep, same here, some light rain today then tomorrow another round of heavy storms.
  14. The broccoli is doing well, crowns have formed and I'm thinking in another 2 weeks I can start harvesting some. Haven't grown brussels sprouts before, but the plants look healthy. Planted some cantaloupe and cukes this weekend.
  15. That's a good day, talked to a couple of people that have been out and in general it has been tough.
  16. I'll start a new thread for the pics.
  17. Thought a little more on the number thing, what I'll do is let the 3 Judges decide on that as part of the rules. But if they add it to the rules, they will be responsible for publishing the numbers. They will be responsible for naming the winner so it makes sense to let them decide on any additional qualifications they might want to add. Still need 2 more judges, first come, first served.
  18. I don't have one of these boards myself so can't vouch for them as far as durability, but it is one I found doing a search. Plenty of positive reviews. https://www.fishingonline.com/products/hawg-trough-measuring-board-pre-lined-floating
  19. Nope, any public water.
  20. OK, so far have only one judge, need two more volunteers.
  21. A good idea on the number deal, I'm leaning towards this being an honor system deal so I have been reluctant to add too many rules.
  22. Reminds me of an old fishermen's joke, my apologies if you guys have heard it. Two guys are standing side by side on a bridge over a river taking a whiz. First guy says, "Man the water is cold." Second guys says, "And it's deep too."
  23. Link: http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/forum/146-fishing-events/
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