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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yessir, Guppy heads were what I was using too. Had a few Keitechs torn up also. Fished the same area I caught the hybrids in the day before and caught largemouth on the Keitechs, also one 15" crappie, darn Keitechs are just a good bait.
  2. Yep, I got satisfaction from a job well done.
  3. Dock, I'm getting darn tired of saying "Nice Fish" and "Congrats" to you. šŸ˜„ But, I'll say it again - Nice fish and congrats!
  4. Some great fish there Sprint!
  5. I might give myself a project and contact the group and try one more time to see if we can go n early Nov. Another thing too, is that they started running water on 12/1 this winter, and if they lakes stay high it makes me wonder if that will get repeated again this year. Rifle season is also in Nov., which is something else that gets in the way for the guys that deer hunt.
  6. Way to go guys!
  7. I could go for early Nov. myself, I have run it by the group before, but it gets shot down.
  8. Caught an 11 lb. hybrid today in one of the Bella Vista lakes. Caught 20 total, it was crazy, never have caught them like this. They were on a windy bank in 2-4 FOW. 11 lber was a personal best. Caught an 8 and several in the 5-6 lb. range. 3.3 Keitechs on 1/4 oz heads, spinning tackle. They are strong fish.
  9. Had to do a lot of remote work when I was working, installing software and doing training. Same here, would've rather have gone to the customer location, and probably 50% of my job involved travel, I was either working out of the house or flying somewhere. Got real tired of flying and airports and all that goes with that stuff, so now I am retired. šŸ˜€ Don't miss work a bit.
  10. Well the weather guessers predicted it will rain all day here today, we got about a 1/4 inch and it is out of here. I'm getting stuff ready right now to hit a local lake that fished really well for me yesterday. I'd invite you to go along, but I'm a long ways away.
  11. Just posted on the district website: All USACE sponsored events, tournaments, volunteer activities and public meetings are cancelled until further notice.ā€¢ Special event or activity permits will not be issued; those permits that have already been granted will be considered for revocation based on the Center for Disease Controlā€™s guidelines.ā€¢ Visitor centers and lake offices are closed to the public until further notice.ā€¢ Campground reservations and fees must be made in advance at www.recreation.gov. Refund policies remain unchanged for those areas that remain open. Refunds will be provided if USACE guidance requires closures.ā€¢ Campers with reservations must pre-print passes and proceed to campgrounds where possible.ā€¢ Campgrounds that are currently closed will not reopen until further notice.ā€¢ Day use facilities, such as group shelters, are subject to evolving conditions and may not be available. Please call the local project for the latest information.ā€¢ Corps of Engineers personnel will stop all site visits or inspections for shoreline management activities until further notice.https://www.swl.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Releases/Article/2115620/army-corps-of-engineers-adjust-lake-operations-amid-health-concerns/
  12. COE just posted this, it's a little unclear to me, but looks like they are revoking all special event permits so we'd have to cancel based on this info: All USACE sponsored events, tournaments, volunteer activities and public meetings are cancelled until further notice.ā€¢ Special event or activity permits will not be issued; those permits that have already been granted will be considered for revocation based on the Center for Disease Controlā€™s guidelines.ā€¢ Visitor centers and lake offices are closed to the public until further notice.ā€¢ Campground reservations and fees must be made in advance at www.recreation.gov. Refund policies remain unchanged for those areas that remain open. Refunds will be provided if USACE guidance requires closures.ā€¢ Campers with reservations must pre-print passes and proceed to campgrounds where possible.ā€¢ Campgrounds that are currently closed will not reopen until further notice.ā€¢ Day use facilities, such as group shelters, are subject to evolving conditions and may not be available. Please call the local project for the latest information.ā€¢ Corps of Engineers personnel will stop all site visits or inspections for shoreline management activities until further notice.
  13. Fishing of course, and so is everyone else here in Bella Vista. Going to rain the next two days, so that will put the Kai-Bosh on any fishing. Reading a book called A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman - it's a history of the 14th century. Good times then, war, famine, plague, people getting burned at the stake.
  14. Nice fish! Caught one today here in Bella Vista that was a solid 15" long. Caught it bass fishing on a Keitech so I can't say it is due to any crappie skills on my part. I'll post a pic once I have some time to get it off my phone.
  15. Had a plan to go to the barbershop this morning and then go work out. Found out the barbershop is closed and so is the gym. Might have to grow one of those gray-haired pony tails if I can't get a haircut.
  16. John, you are knocking the fish off your yet to catch list quickly! Never have caught an American or Hickory shad, but hear they fight really well.
  17. Due to concerns about that durn virus and participants understandably cancelling we'll have to call this off. It pains me to do so, was looking forward to seeing old friends and making some new ones. We'll do it again once the smoke clears. And remember you can still go fishing this Saturday, and post a picture of your big fish and we can name a virtual winner. šŸ˜€ Jeff
  18. We'll go ahead and cancel.
  19. Folks, I am going to cancel this thing, really pains me to do so. We'll put out a feeler in the fall and see if folks want to do it then, if not we'll shoot for next year.
  20. Those fliers get much bigger than I thought - didn't know anything about them, but had this impression that they didn't get very big. Congrats on another one for your list!
  21. Boat ramps to remain open, at least for now.
  22. Check this out: https://www.lrl.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Releases/Article/2113784/corps-to-close-day-use-recreational-areas-postpone-campground-openings/
  23. Corps shutting down day use areas in Kentucky - wouldn't surprise me if they start shutting down all of them nation wide. https://www.lrl.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Releases/Article/2113784/corps-to-close-day-use-recreational-areas-postpone-campground-openings/
  24. Quillback

    New PB

    Nice one, that looks like a hoot!
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