I roll into Big M at about 0645 and there's a truck by the ramp. There's a guy there outside his truck, and he's wearing a jersey, except it looks like one of those MLF referee jerseys- has black and white striped sleeves. Anyway he made a few casts then drove over to the other side of the park and went fishing on the bank over there.
Nothing wrong with jerseys or fishing off the bank, but seeing someone in the refs jersey wasn't something I have ever seen except on TV. I got the boat in the water and got out of there pretty fast, didn't want to get a 2 minute penalty.
But the fishing was pretty good today - got a lot of bites, had a problem converting those bites into fish in the boat but I bet I had at least 50 bites and out of all those bites I only managed to boat 15 of them.
I had a good smallmouth on a Whopper Plopper that threw the Plopper right next to the boat. Had another keeper sized smallie get off a crank, and to add insult to injury, a spot then grabbed the crank and it got off too!
Lost another good smallie on a shaky head. Shaky head was the best bait for me today, 6 inch Roboworm on a 1/8 oz head. Got a couple on the plopper, a couple of drop shot fish, and a couple on a crank.
Didn't find many drop shot fish today, there were a couple out there, but couldn't find them like last week. Most of my bites were in 5-15 FOW, and the best banks had wind on them. Steep banks and rocky points with wind were good today.
Saw a bass boat out there today off the bank on a flat, looked to be drop shot fishing. 5 guys in the boat. I am thinking it could've been a guide with 4 clients.
Surface temp 73. Air temp was 41 when I launched!