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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I "swung for the fences" and went for some lesser known dudes. Swing and a miss!
  2. I have nothing to add, went with a buddy today and we got 6 bass between the two of us. We did get three decent ones, couple of small mouth and a large mouth that all were 2 lbers. A least the weather is decent and the wake boat traffic is not as bad as a few weeks ago. I am ready for November.
  3. Do the young girls of today think they are sexy? Can't see any reason to get them unless the ladies like them.
  4. I watched the forecast last night and the guy did not think we would get anything significant here, but looks like according to that map, we could see some precip.
  5. So if you're slashing university budgets, shouldn't we also see a slash in tuition rates? Students might be behind a tuition decrease. Instead the answer to high college cost is to have the government spend more money - which doesn't do anything to increase the quality of education, or rein in cost.
  6. I have to disagree with you on the AR game. They remember that embarrassing loss last year to Mizzou.
  7. Nope, not watching. But I admit I will check out the results the next day.
  8. Good fishing for August!
  9. Yeah it was quiet here too, I guess everybody was standing outside checking it out. I wasn't close enough to "totality" it got kind of evening like for a bit, then back to normal. I did hear an owl hoot, but that was it for the sounds of nature.
  10. Kind of a seven PM look to things here. Should get a bit darker.
  11. Quillback

    What's Cooking?

    500 PAGES! I wonder if that is an internet forum record for longest thread? Probably not... This is not meant as a complaint, some great food info in this thread. Someone could make a cook book out of the recipes.
  12. They must have hired "Baghdad Bob" to write their propaganda.
  13. Me catch a 5 lb. smallie out of TR? HA! The next eclipse will probably roll around before that happens.
  14. I'll keep an eye on the listings for it and catch it next time around.
  15. Eclipse, schmeeclipse. I'd rather catch a 3 lb. smallie.
  16. I have read the book, but have not seen the movie. Cormac McCarthey who also wrote 'No country for old men' and 'The Road' was the author. My personal preference as far as the books would be for those two ahead of 'All the pretty horses.'.
  17. Used to be a lot of flossing/snagging in Washington state. It's illegal there, but people still did it. You can still catch them using legal methods, just takes a little more work and patience.
  18. Very nice - look at the bellies on those smallies, they are eating well.
  19. Nice bass Mike!
  20. Color is right, but it is a DT14. Hard to tell from the angle of the photo.
  21. I second that!
  22. Above is my big fish of the day. 2 lb. flathead that ate a crank. Only crank bait fish I caught. I launched at noon and fished until 5:30 PM, not a recipe for success, but I had a morning appointment so I got out there late. I was hoping the cloud cover would hold, but it did not, skies turned partly cloudy. I caught a half dozen bass, biggest was a 14" meanmouth. I got one on a Ned, the rest were on either a 3/4 oz FB jig, or a 3/8 Nutech jig. Chunk rock banks, fish in 5 - 15 FOW. Had several chasers that chased the jig back to the boat, they did seem to want a moving bait, but not the cranks I tried. Might be worth trying a finesse spinner bait, Road Runner, swim jig or maybe even a lipless. I didn't have time to try any of that stuff, maybe next time. Ran into Champ176 at the ramp, it was a pleasure to chat with him. Funny thing that happened, he had mentioned in another post that he had never seen the MO Water Patrol on TR. As we were talking guess who pulls into the Big M marina? Yep, the Water Patrol - I think they eat lunch there sometimes. WT was 82-83, water is a bit murky with a few feet of viz.
  23. Above is my big fish of the day. 2 lb. flathead that ate a crank. Only crank bait fish I caught. I launched at noon and fished until 5:30 PM, not a recipe for success, but I had a morning appointment so I got out there late. I was hoping the cloud cover would hold, but it did not, skies turned partly cloudy. I caught a half dozen bass, biggest was a 14" meanmouth. I got one on a Ned, the rest were on either a 3/4 oz FB jig, or a 3/8 Nutech jig. Chunk rock banks, fish in 5 - 15 FOW. Had several chasers that chased the jig back to the boat, they did seem to want a moving bait, but not the cranks I tried. Might be worth trying a finesse spinner bait, Road Runner, swim jig or maybe even a lipless. I didn't have time to try any of that stuff, maybe next time. Ran into Champ176 at the ramp, it was a pleasure to chat with him. Funny thing that happened, he had mentioned in another post that he had never seen the MO Water Patrol on TR. As we were talking guess who pulls into the Big M marina? Yep, the Water Patrol - I think they eat lunch there sometimes. WT was 82-83, water is a bit murky with a few feet of viz. This post has been promoted to an article
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